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Tuesday, 23 May 2023

Dave Farina: team atheism's LVP? III

 “Well, Everyone Has to Have a Birthday” — How Professor Dave Botches Probability

This past Friday (May 19, 2023), Rice University professor James Tour “debated” (I use that word advisedly) YouTube personality and influencer David Farina (known as “Professor Dave”). The question up for discussion was “Are we clueless about the origin of life?” Tour took the position that the origin of life is a completely unsolved problem. Farina took the position that research in the origin of life is making good progress. Tour focused on the chemistry. Farina focused on discrediting Tour, calling him a liar and even a pathological liar over and over again. He also called Tour and his supporters clueless. (Does it take a pathological liar to falsely call someone a pathological liar? How clueless does one have to be to falsely call someone clueless?)

Farina’s antics got so wearisome that I could not watch the entirety of the debate. Indeed, I would not call it a debate. On the one hand, there was Tour trying to engage in substantive questions about prebiotic chemistry. And there was Farina, attacking him personally, both as someone completely unqualified to address the origin of life and as someone so biased by his religious beliefs as not to be trustworthy on scientific issues (Tour is unreserved in affirming his Christian belief). 

Citing Article Titles

The only science, such as it can be called, that I saw from Farina during the exchange was citing titles of origin-of-life articles that he claimed redressed the problems Tour was raising. But these seemed to be just arguments by irrelevant reference that fittingly complemented his arguments ad hominem. Farina gave no evidence that he understood the articles he was citing. It was as though origin-of-life researchers hostile to Tour had simply provided Farina with ammunition for the exchange.

My opinions are what they are, so form your own conclusions. Here is the exchange (“debate”). If you are able to watch the whole of it, give yourself brownie points for endurance. 

<iframe width="460" height="259" src="" title="Dr. James Tour vs Dave Farina | Are we clueless about the origin of life? #abiogenesis" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Farina’s performance in the exchange didn’t surprise me. It was consistent with what you see on his YouTube channel when he is promoting atheism, though I would say that in this case it was especially extreme. Was his scalding behavior intended to score points with his atheist supporters? Was it to boost his number of YouTube followers? I wonder how his performance would be interpreted by the unwashed middle, i.e., those who have no particular stake in the origin-of-life controversy. He was arrogant and cocky. I have to think that this didn’t help him with those outside his circle. But who’s to say in this age of social media where sensibilities get so warped. 

To Command an Audience

Tour admitted at the start of the exchange that this was his first debate. I’ve seen him give talks on not just the origin of life but also his own research, and he is able to command an audience, not only with his knowledge but also with his stature. I myself have debated atheists, such as Michael Shermer and Michael Ruse, but those debates were always respectful. To have your interlocutor, like Farina, hurling insult after insult at you has to be disconcerting. And it shifts the focus from the substance of what should be discussed to the credibility of the participants. Should Tour have attacked Farina for his limited chemistry background, which includes only a bachelor’s in chemistry and a master’s not in chemistry per se but in chemistry and science education? Tour is a Nobel laureate caliber chemist. 

Should Tour really have had to endure the constant jibes of Farina? Farina was at Rice at Tour’s invitation, so Tour’s natural inclination would have been to play the gracious host. He even started the exchange with a gift to Farina. But still, Farina should have been reined in. I suspect Tour was unprepared for the vitriol he encountered. I lay some of the responsibility for Farina’s continued shameless display on the moderator. Early on, the moderator should have told Farina that the audience by now had gotten the point that Farina thought Tour was a “pathological liar,” and that he should confine himself to the question that was the topic of the debate. The moderator should also have put an end to the constant interruptions of Tour by Farina.

Information and Probability

Two years ago I was interviewed by Tour for his YouTube channel about my work on information and probability. What prompted Tour to interview me was some probability arguments by Farina against him. Here’s my interview with Tour:

<iframe width="460" height="259" src="" title="The Science &amp; Faith Podcast - James Tour &amp; William Dembski: Information Theory" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

At the 31-minute mark, Farina makes a probability argument dismissive of small probabilities in design inferences. When I reject Farina’s discussions of origin-of-life chemistry, it’s as an informed layperson and yet as a non-expert. But when I see how Farina botches his discussion of probability, a field in which I am expert, it suggests to me that either he is confused or he is so committed to his atheist agenda that he will bend any argument to serve that agenda. Farina seems obsessed with Tour, having posted nine YouTube videos against Tour.

At the 31-minute mark, Farina offers the following analogy to argue against inferring design on the basis of small probabilities:

Let’s say 10 people are having a get-together, and they are curious as to what everyone’s birthday is. They go down the line. One person says June 13th, another says November 21st, and so forth. Each of them have a 1 in 365 chance of having that particular birthday. So, what is the probability that those 10 people in that room would have those 10 birthdays? Well, it’s 1 in 365 to the 10th power, or 1 in 4.2 times 10 to the 25, which is 42 trillion trillion. The odds are unthinkable, and yet there they are sitting in that room. So how can this be? Well, everyone has to have a birthday.

But Farina here misses the key second component of design inferences: they do not just require improbability but also specification (namely, conformity to an independently given pattern). Farina’s pattern of birthdays is completely unspecified. Imagine, instead, that each of these ten people had reported that their birthday is January 1. Such a coincidence would be independently given in virtue of its short description, such as “everyone has the same birthday” or “everyone was born New Year’s Day.” It would therefore constitute a specification. By combining small probability and specification, this coincidence would therefore have called for an explanation other than chance. It would not, in that case, be enough to say, as Farina did, “Well, everyone has to have a birthday.”

Farina exudes confidence in the absence of deep knowledge and understanding. In fact, his expertise is quite limited. But he’s a quick study at getting down “industry” talking points. And he can marshal titles, abstracts, and authors associated with research articles to suggest that whatever he wants to assert has in fact been established or is on the verge of being established. But as a YouTube influencer, his main incentive is to play to the gallery. And as an apologist for atheism, his interest is not in advancing science but in using a warped materialistic conception of science as a club to beat religion and religious believers. 

I’ll be interested to see what the aftermath of this exchange will be. As of yesterday it had 11,000+ comments on its YouTube video. So it hit a nerve.

Dave Farina: team atheism's LVP? II

 Where’s the Chemistry? On the Origin of Life, James Tour Exposes Professor Dave as “Clueless”

Last week, renowned Rice University chemistry professor James Tour debated popular YouTuber Dave Farina, aka “Professor Dave,” on the origin of life. The debate took place on the Rice campus in Houston, Texas, in Tour’s own lecture hall, and was Streamed live over the Internet. Unlike Dr. Tour, Farina isn’t a real professor. I suppose in today’s manner of speaking, we could say that he identifies as one, while lacking a PhD, a faculty position, or as it seems now, anything like the needed chemistry expertise to explain how life arose. 

One Thing Seems Clear

The topic of the debate was: “Are We Clueless About the Origin of Life?” After watching it, one thing seems clear: Professor Dave, like the origin-of-life field itself, is certainly “clueless” about any reasonable level of chemical detail about how the origin of life might have occurred.

The mic drop moments of the evening came after the opening statements when each debater was given the opportunity to ask his opponent questions. Tour focused on the science. The challenge he posed to Farina was simple: If Farina really thinks the origin of life has been explained, come to the blackboard and show the audience the chemistry that can produce, under realistic prebiotic conditions, five key elements of biology. Those are polypeptides, polynucleotides, polysaccharides, specified information, and a functional cell. 

In each case, Farina declined. 

Tour listed those five key elements of biology on the blackboard. At the end of each, after Farina had refused to come to the blackboard to explain the chemistry to the audience, Tour wrote “Clueless” next to the item. In another context this might have seemed harsh, but given that the agreed-upon question of the night was whether origin-of-life researchers are “clueless” about how life arose, it seemed entirely fair

A Scientist Comments

While Tour focused on the chemistry, Dave Farina spent most of the evening directing personal attacks against Dr. Tour, calling him a “liar” over and over again as well as many other invectives. We’ll discuss this distasteful aspect of the debate further in a subsequent post. A friend of mine who is a scientist watched the event and had this to say: 

I went into the debate knowing very little about Dave. I had no feel for his level of competence in chemistry or OOL issues. (I know Jim Tour, so I know he’s an expert chemist.) I was open to Dave being a self-taught expert on the issues, willing to push back on Jim’s dismissals with clear evidence.

In his opening volley, Dave made it clear that he wasn’t there to discuss chemistry, he was there to attack Jim. This is less than persuasive, since even if Jim was a donkey, there are prebiotic chemistry questions that need to be answered. It doesn’t matter who’s asking them. (It didn’t help that they were at Jim’s home campus, and Dave is calling him a fraud to his colleagues who know he’s not a fraud from direct experience.)

The turning point in the debate in Jim’s favor was when he wrote, in chalk, the precursor substances and the derived substance schemata. He then called Dave’s bluff: if we are not clueless on how this was made chemically, write the equations. “But mountains of peer-reviewed literature explain it…” Dave suggested. OK, then open those papers, find the equations, and write them here. Dave couldn’t.

It became clear to an outsider like myself that (1) the pathways and equations weren’t actually known, and (2) if they were known and actually in the papers, Dave couldn’t understand them. Or else he would have simply written down the relevant reaction equations.

A good portion of the audience seemed to realize this, too, and began to turn against Dave, prompting him at points to lash out at them. (Pro tip: In a debate, if you ever get to the point where you’re attacking your own audience, you’ve lost.) But I’m biased, so I checked the YouTube comments to see if my perceptions were widespread. I saw more than a few comments from atheists and those on Dave’s side saying he embarrassed them in the debate. Dave literally had nothing but personal attacks and pointing to words in paper titles and abstracts. Jim had actual chemistry. The comments section showed that even Dave’s own crowd saw this as a loss.

A Lost Opportunity

Indeed, Farina made many assertions about various scientific papers — and we’ll be discussing those soon. But Tour gave Farina a clear opportunity: If the paper explains how key aspects of life arose, then write on the board the chemical reaction equations that show how it happened. Farina would not even take the chalk. He couldn’t do it. If he could, he certainly would have done so.

At end of the debate, Farina finally took the chalk and wrote something on the blackboard. It was two words: “NOT CLUELESS.” It was intended as cheekiness, but it only served to highlight the fact that Farina was unable to explain details of the chemistry behind the origin of life. More importantly, it didn’t answer Tour’s request for a scientific explanation. Farina could not answer a single challenge from Tour. 

Professor Dave’s inability to provide the chemistry to back up his claims calls to mind the famous Wendy’s ad from the 1980s, where an elderly woman keeps asking: “Where’s the beef?” One might likewise ask Dave Farina: Where’s the chemistry? For that, don’t look to Professor Dave.

It was a turbulent evening, but that was the main takeaway from the debate. We’ll offer more analysis in subsequent posts.

<iframe width="460" height="259" src="" title="Dr. James Tour vs Dave Farina | Are we clueless about the origin of life? #abiogenesis" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Dave Farina: team atheism's LVP?

 Atheists Review Professor Dave’s Debate Performance

As someone who purports to educate others about science, Dave Farina has strengths and weaknesses. With 2.48 million subscribers on YouTube, Mr. Farina of “Professor Dave Explains” has a style that many find gratifying. As Professor James Tour said in their debate on the origin of life, Professor Dave has “tremendous reading skills” — he can read from a script, on YouTube or in a debate, with fluency and confidence. What Farina apparently can’t do, as Tour also noted, is “speak chemistry” on his own, when challenged and not using a script as a crutch. It also seems he can’t write chemical formulas, relevant to abiogenesis, on a blackboard with ease. Weak professional training may have something to do with his reliance on mindless sneering and insults. That’s my take.
“Do Better Next Time, Dave”

Of those who enjoy Farina’s style of juvenile personal abuse, I guess that most are atheists — by which I mean no disrespect to thoughtful atheists or agnostics! So I was curious what atheists made of his performance against Dr. Tour. In the comments section below the debate on YouTube, we find:

Keith Williams: “I’m an atheist, however, Farina’s smug and snide attacks on Tour throughout this debate, disgusted me. I may disagree with Tour’s mission, however, no one can ignore his considerable contribution to science.”

Artha Peterson: “I wonder why an actual abiogenesist won’t debate him [meaning, Tour]? That’s a serious question. Someone who actually can do the chemistry, unlike Dave. That would be the way to silence Tour on that topic forever. And yes, I am an atheist and yes I believe in abiogenesis.”

Lars Cade: “I’m an atheist and am already quite aware of the many ways in which Tour ignores or misrepresents data in his futile attacks on abiogenesis research, but he did far better in this debate than Farina. He laid out his definitions and stuck to the data and the topic. Because this is a very technical field, that’s all he needed to ‘win’ the debate. Do better next time, Dave.”

CaseAgainstFaith1: “Hi. I’m an atheist and I attended in person. Now I have not the slightest clue about the relevance of many things brought up during the debate. Like I have no clue about the 2,5 vs 3,5. I can say that Dave’s constantly calling Dr. Tour a liar and also insulting the audience was not helpful. Dr. Tour’s screaming wasn’t helpful either. But if I had to pick a winner I am afraid I would give it to Dr. Tour.”

thatwmckid: “I’m an atheist and I actually agree with James Tour.”

Monday, 22 May 2023

Wood: the once and future king of construction materials?

Scams as WMD. II

Artificial intelligence is the mother of actual incoherence?

 Breaking Google Bard

I’ve finally started playing around with Google Bard. With self-referential sentences, it seems even more at sea than ChatGPT. Here is an exchange from May 18:

Me: Consider the following six sentences: This is the first sentence. Ignore this sentence. Why are these sentences being written down? The second sentence has exactly three words. The fifth sentence has at least twenty words. This, along with the preceding five sentences, have fewer than twenty times twenty words. Which of these last six sentences has a truth value and which are true?

Bard: The last six sentences have the following truth values:

The second sentence has exactly three words. (False)
The fifth sentence has at least twenty words. (True)
This, along with the preceding five sentences, have fewer than twenty times twenty words. (False)
The second sentence is false because it has 5 words, not 3. The fifth sentence is true because it has 22 words. The sixth sentence is false because the first five sentences have a total of 36 words, which is more than 20 times 20, which is 400.

Here is a table of the truth values of the last six sentences:

Sentence =Truth value
The second sentence has exactly three words.= False
The fifth sentence has at least twenty words. =True
This, along with the preceding five sentences, have fewer than twenty times twenty words. =False

Assessing Bard’s Confusion

To say that Bard is confused here would be generous. Here are the six sentences:

This is the first sentence.
Ignore this sentence. 
Why are these sentences being written down? 
The second sentence has exactly three words. 
The fifth sentence has at least twenty words. 
This, along with the preceding five sentences, have fewer than twenty times twenty words. 
Of these, only 1, 4, 5, and 6 have a truth value, and of these only 1, 4, and 6 are true. Sentence 5 is clearly false — it says of itself that it has at least twenty words, which it clearly doesn’t. Sentence 6 is slightly ambiguous in that it might be interpreted as saying that no one of the six sentences here has twenty times twenty (or 400) words, or that taken together they don’t have that many words. In either case, however, the claim is true. 

In fact, Bard assigns exactly the wrong truth values to sentences 4, 5, and 6. Note that the second sentence, i.e., “Ignore this sentence,” is indeed three words long as asserted in sentence 4 even though the second sentence itself, as an imperative, has no truth value. Bard also misses that the very first sentence, in asserting that it is the first sentence, has a truth value and is in fact true. 

Bard’s explanations add to the confusion. It says of sentence 2, falsely, that it has five words. It asserts of the fifth sentence that it has 22 words (where it gets this number is unclear — it’s not a number readily associated with the sentence lengths of the previous sentences). 

It does accurately calculate that “twenty times twenty,” as stated in sentence 6, is 400, but then it asserts this sentence is false because the previous sentences together have 36 words. In fact, the combined word count of sentences 1 thru 5 is 30. 

Foundering on Self-Reference

This is not the first time that I’ve broken these AI language generative systems (see, for instance, a similar move that I made against ChatGPT). These systems founder on self-reference. The fundamental problem with these systems is Gödelian. Kurt Gödel showed that formal systems like this are unable to extract themselves from these systems. In other words, to talk coherently about these systems requires going outside them. 

Human intelligence, by contrast, has the quality of self-transcendence. That, by itself, would suggest that we are not formal systems. It also suggests we have a quality that these systems seem destined never to achieve.

"..nor the Son."

 Mark ch.13:32 NASB"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone." 

Our Trinitarian (and Modalist) friends wave away the obvious problem this verse creates for their doctrine by claiming that Jesus was speaking from the Son's then human standpoint.

 But is this view in harmony with the context of the verse itself ,lets have a look.The verse begins 

"But of that day and hour no one knows.."  

Obviously meaning no human knows (BTW was Jesus merely saying that no human at that time knew or that no human has ever known and will ever know.), thus if Jesus was speaking purely in terms of the Son's then human existence surely this part of the verse would have covered that. 

BTW :some trinitarians claimed that Jesus reclaimed the human body that he was supposed to have sacrificed upon his resurrection,which would mean that he is still human which, according to them, must mean that he is still not omniscient.

Then to illustrate the utter futility of anyone on earth attempting to calculate the 'day or hour' he continues.

",not even the angels of heaven.."

(again did Jesus mean that no angel presently knows or that no angel has ever and will ever know?) ,now, having made it clear that heaven itself was in the dark re:the Father's determination in this matter does it make sense for Jesus to belabor Earth's ignorance? Certainly what no angel knows no human would.

Why then not allow the verse to interpret itself 

"nor the Son,But the Father ALONE."  

i.e not even this eldest sibling in Jehovah's family of servants has ever known or will ever know. 

Acts1,6,7NASB " So when they had come together, they were asking Him, saying, “Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?” 7He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority;"

Though his apostles were understandably curious about Jehovah's timing re:the Kingdom the resurrected (hence superhuman) Jesus indicated that the Father had chosen to keep the decision to himself.

 It does not seem that Jesus felt belittled by his Father's decision so it's odd that there are those who seem determined to take offense in his behalf.

 The bottom line then 

John ch.14:28 KJV "Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. " 

PS. 0ne more thing,a good question deserving of a straight answer would be ,why does the Holy Spirit not know the day or the hour,better yet why is the Holy Spirit not even mentioned in this verse.I mean the verse (quite literally) mentions everyone else. 

James Tour on why we can't take origin of life research seriously

 James Tour: Reviewing the Challenges for Abiogenesis

To coincide with chemist James Tour’s highly anticipated debate with YouTuber Dave Farina, we pulled this gem out of the archive for your listening pleasure! On this episode of ID the Future, distinguished synthetic organic chemist Dr. James Tour of Rice University takes us back to the basics of origin of life studies. What is abiogenesis? How does it differ from evolution? How is life defined? What are the characteristics of life? What challenges do researchers face in trying to create life from non-life? Along the way, Tour reviews the many grave problems of blindly evolving the first living cell from prebiotic materials. Download the podcast or listen to it here.

Sunday, 21 May 2023

On 1914 :the beginning of the fall of Christendom?

Douglas MacArthur: a brief history.

The Cambrian explosion is a thing?

 FAQ: The Cambrian Explosion Is Real, and It Is a Problem for Evolution

An email correspondent who is friendly to intelligent design (ID) recently wrote us asking how to respond to common objections to ID arguments about the Cambrian explosion. He was engaged with an interlocutor was making all kinds of contradictory “throw everything at the wall and see what sticks” objections that were simply factually inaccurate and are belied by mainstream scientific experts.  

Stephen Meyer addressed these points in detail in Darwin's Doubt with thoroughly researched arguments well backed by the scientific literature. This made it very easy to defend his arguments, which we’ve done across numerous Articles here on Evolution News. The points made below by our friend’s interlocutor are simplistic and don’t reflect what leading Cambrian experts really think. But they are very common objections and so we compiled this FAQ to help address common misconceptions about the Cambrian explosion. 

Claim: “The Cambrian Explosion was not a geologically short event but really took millions of years. 

Response: “How ‘Sudden’ Was the Cambrian Explosion? Nick Matzke Misreads Stephen Meyer and the Paleontological Literature; New Yorker Recycles Misrepresentation”

Claim: “There was complex animal life before the Cambrian so it does not represent the origin of many types of animals.”

Steve Meyer addressed this topic extensively in Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of Darwin’s Doubt, and Figure 2.5 in his book is a thoroughly researched and conservatively argued take on exactly how many animal phyla predate the Cambrian period and how explosive the Cambrian explosion was. Bottom line? At best only three animal phyla arose in the Precambrian and some twenty arose in the Cambrian period. But given problems with many claims of Precambrian animal fossils — especially bilaterian animals — the Cambrian period is probably even more explosive than that. For detail see:

“Let’s Help ‘Professor Dave’ Understand the Precambrian”
“Was Kimberella a Precambrian Mollusk?”
“On the Cambrian Explosion, Keith Miller’s BioLogos White Paper Falls Short”

Claim: “The Cambrian explosion is an artifact of an imperfect fossil record because in the Cambrian there are more fossil deposits to allow for soft-bodied fossils to be preserved, but these don’t exist in the Precambrian.

As Graham Budd and Sören Jensen state, “The known [Precambrian/Cambrian] fossil record has not been misunderstood, and there are no convincing bilaterian candidates known from the fossil record until just before the beginning of the Cambrian (c. 543 Ma), even though there are plentiful sediments older than this that should reveal them.” Thus they conclude, “The expected Darwinian pattern of a deep fossil history of the bilaterians, potentially showing their gradual development, stretching hundreds of millions of years into the Precambrian, has singularly failed to materialize.”

Claim: “The Cambrian explosion is an artifact of the fossil record because climatic or oceanic chemical changes allowed for a geologically-speaking rapid diversification in life.”

First, we need to understand that lots of new genetic information was needed for the animals that arose in the Cambrian explosion. See: 

“Groundbreaking Paper Shows Thousands of New Genes Needed for the Origin of Animals”
“Scientific Paper Reaffirms New Genes Required for Cambrian Explosion”
“Did the Origin of Animals Require New Genes?”

Second, we need to understand that climatic/oceanic chemical changes don’t explain the origin of the information needed for Cambrian explosion. This is a very common argument and it doesn’t hold up — we’ve addressed it so many times it’s hard to find all the places! But here are a few: 

 “As an Explanation of the Cambrian Explosion, the Oxygen Theory Takes a Lethal Blow”
“Sick of the Oxygen Theory of the Cambrian Explosion? Here’s the Cancer Theory”
“So Explaining the Cambrian Explosion Is All About the Oxygen, Is It?”
“Cambrian Animals? Just Add Oxygen
“ABC News Says ‘Darwin’s Dilemma May Be Solved’: What, Again?”
“Low Oxygen Suffocates Darwinian Explanations for the Cambrian Explosion“
Explaining Life’s ‘Great Leap Forward’: Now It’s Nitrogen“
“Here’s a Bubble That’s Ready to Burst: Oxygen as an Explanation for the Cambrian Explosion“
“Jerry Coyne Notwithstanding, as an ‘Explanation’ for the Rise of Complex Animal Life, Oxygen Is Now Eliminated from the Running”
“To Create Cambrian Animals, Whack the Earth from Space“
“Teamwork: New York Times and Science Magazine Seek to Rebut Darwin’s Doubt”
“Did the Early Oceans Contain Oxygen?“
“Does Lots of Sediment in the Ocean Solve the ‘Mystery’ of the Cambrian Explosion?”

Claim: “The Cambrian explosion was not a real event and reflects a combination of many factors that make it appear as if animals appeared suddenly, but this really did not happen.”

This claim is not true and it is contradicted by many authorities on Cambrian paleontology and paleobiology:

“Erwin and Valentine’s The Cambrian Explosion Affirms Major Points in Darwin’s Doubt: The Cambrian Enigma Is ‘Unresolved’”
“Untangling “Professor Dave’s” Confusion about the Cambrian Explosion”
“Darwin Defenders Love Donald Prothero’s Ranting Review of Darwin’s Doubt“
I’ll close this little FAQ with a telling quote from Dutch biologist Martin Scheffer on the reality of the Cambrian explosion, from a Princeton University Press book:

The collapse of the Ediacaran fauna is followed by the spectacular radiation of novel life-forms known as the Cambrian explosion. All of the main body plans that we know now evolved in as little as about 10 million years. It might have been thought that this apparent explosion of diversity might be an artifact. For instance, it could be that earlier rocks were not as good for preserving fossils. However, very well preserved fossils do exist from earlier periods, and it is now generally accepted that the Cambrian explosion was real. 


There are of course other possible objections to Meyer’s arguments regarding the Cambrian explosion and we’ve probably addressed those somewhere too. But these are by far the most common objections — I hope this little FAQ is helpful in responding to them!

The Flood recollection.

 On the deluge

A flood myth or a deluge myth is a myth in which a great flood, usually sent by a deity or deities, destroys civilization, often in an act of divine retribution. Parallels are often drawn between the flood waters of these myths and the primaeval waters which appear in certain creation myths, as the flood waters are described as a measure for the cleansing of humanity, in preparation for rebirth. Most flood myths also contain a culture hero, who "represents the human craving for life".[1]

The flood-myth motif occurs in many cultures, including the Mesopotamian flood stories, Native American in North America, the Genesis flood narrative, manvantara-sandhya in Hinduism, and Deucalion and Pyrrha in Greek mythology.

Saturday, 20 May 2023

The main event? II

Micah 5:2 and the true origin of Israel's messiah

 Micah5:1 JPS"But thou, Beth-lehem Ephrathah, Which art little to be among the thousands of Judah,

Out of thee shall one come forth unto Me that is to be ruler in Israel;

Whose goings forth(mozaah) are from of old, from ancient days.(Olam)"

Strong's:Feminine of mowtsa'; a family descent; also a sewer (marg.; compare tsow'ah) -- draught house; going forth.

Common theme going forth from the belly.


Hebrews ch.1:10-12NIV"He also says,

"In the beginning, Lord, you laid the foundations of the earth,

and the heavens are the work of your hands.

11They will perish, but you remain;

they will all wear out like a garment.

12You will roll them up like a robe;

lie a garment they will be changed.

But you remain the same,

and your years will never end.” 

Here our brother Paul quotes psalms102:25,26 and applies them to Jesus ,earlier on at verse 2 he had made the point that the Son was the one through whom JEHOVAH made the ages. Thus both JEHOVAH and his agent could be credited with the production of the physical world. Also both JEHOVAH and his subordinate would need to proceed physical world to logically be made responsible for its existence 

Hebrews ch.1:2NIV"but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. "

Thus the verse could apply to both the ultimate source of the power and wisdom manifest in the creation and the primary instrument of that source.

Note please that the creation in question is perishable ,thus we are not discussing anything spiritual, likely the ages in question refer to humanity or human civilization,


Genesis ch.1:26JPS"And God said: ‘Let US make(Hebrew asah) man in OUR image, after OUR likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.’" 

Thus here is the living intelligent instrument through which JEHOVAH accomplished his work that is the only way this instrument could be said to bear God's image an expression that must always pertain to either a human or superhuman Son of God.


Hebrews ch.1:3"The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. "


Proverbs ch.8:30JB" I was by his side, a master craftsman, delighting him day after day, ever at play in his presence,"


Colossians ch.1:15-17"The Son is the IMAGE of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. "

John tried to tell Israel the true origins of the one walking among them 

John ch.1:30NIV"This is the one I meant when I said, ‘A man who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.’ "

Of course from an earthly standpoint Jesus does not precede John in any sense.And it does no good to make this preceding abstract because John would also have existed abstractly in JEHOVAH'S mind prior to his birth,and is also the product of a divine miracle. John's ministry also precedes Jesus' 

John continues:

John ch.1:31NIV"The one who comes from above is above all; the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth, and speaks as one from the earth. The one who comes from heaven is above all."

Thus John showed why Jesus is greater than himself.

Jesus tried to tell Israel his true origin 

John ch.6:62NIV"Then what if you see the Son of Man ascend to where he was before! 63The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit e and life."

If heaven refers to his being born again why would he need to return there ,heaven of course refers to no particular vector but the superhuman state he surrendered in order to become a sacrifice for our sins

Hebrews ch.2:9NIV"But we do see Jesus, who was made lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone."

One cannot return to where one has never been and one need not return to where one has never left ,the glory and honor then is a restoration of a previous superhuman glory.

John ch.17:5"And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I HAD with you before the world began."

Here our Lord prays for the restoration of his forfeited superhuman glory which forfeiture was necessary to meet the legal requirements of the atonement.

Hebrews ch 2:14NIV"Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil"

Hebrews ch.2:16NIV"For surely it is not angels (spirit beings)he helps, but Abraham’s descendants."

This cannot refer to the new creation because he never forfeited his place in the new creation thus there would be no need to plea for any such restoration.

John ch.3:13NIV"No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man. "

Jesus is saying that he is unique among all men who ever lived for this reason , obviously Jesus never ceased being part of the new creation,thus this is a strike against the idea that"heaven" pertains to the new creation in this verse , once Jesus became part of JEHOVAH'S new creation he could not exit same without disqualifying himself as Savior.

As stated before heaven refers to his previous superhuman glory. He laid it aside to legally qualify as Savior and upon being born again he reclaimed it hence his prayer at John ch.17:5

John ch.8:23NIV"But he continued, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. 24I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins.”"

Sin began in heaven, so the pall that was cast over JEHOVAH'S workmanship would extend into heaven ,thus it is fitting that the one that JEHOVAH would rate his first and foremost work in heaven and earth be tested so as to vindicate JEHOVAH'S Workmanship this vindication of JEHOVAH'S Godhood is the primary issue that must be settled.

536 c.e recorded history's worst year ever?

Our brother Paul against E.C.T

 Romans ch.7:1NKJV"Or do you not know, brethren (for I speak to those who know the law), that the law [a]has dominion over a man as long as he lives?" 

Of course if the real man never dies this would be a moot point,

Once a man is dead justice can make no further demands upon him. The presupposition then is that death is real,and that the real man does in fact die.

Romans ch.7:6NKJV"But now we have been delivered from the law, having died to what we were held by, so that we should serve in the newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter."

Thus if Christ did not actually die ,which would be the case if we take reductive spiritualism as our premise because the physical body would then have nothing to do with ones identity,there is no atonement,also if his death did not completely satisfy divine justice ,which would be the case if we take E.C.T as our premise, there would be no atonement. So much for eternal conscious torment.

Friday, 19 May 2023

Substitutionary atonement v. The God-man hypothesis.

 1Corinthians ch.15:21KJV"For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead."

It was a perfect man's (not a God-man's) rebellion that condemned us therefore it is a perfect man's (not God-man's) obedience that reconciles us to JEHOVAH

1Timothy1:17NIV"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen." 

Matthew ch.20:28NIV"just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give(not lend) his life(Soul) as a ransom for many.”" 

Leviticus ch.17:11NIV"For the life(soul,Hebrew.nefesh) of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life(soul). c"

Only flesh and blood necessary for the sustaining of the SOUL of the victim can be offered acceptably on JEHOVAH'S altar for the expiation of sin. 

Thus to make our Lord the God-man is to cancel the legal basis of the substitutionary atonement. 

As the God- man his blood would possess no atoning value as it would be unnecessary for sustaining his soul. That is why he had to completely surrender his superhuman glory to qualify as a substitute. 

Hebrews ch.2:17NIV"For this reason he had to be made like them, k fully human in EVERY way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people. " 

he were the God-man he would be INFINITELY unlike any man who has ever existed and thus would not qualify as a substitute for us.

Origin of Life science needs an intervention?

 ASCB Addresses Problem of False Science

The American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) task force on reproducibility in life science research has issued an undated white paper on scientific rigor. The problem is, as we discussed here and here, life science research has been found to lack reproducibility. John Ioannidis is a bit more blunt as he explains that “most published research findings are false,” and that “claimed research findings may often be simply accurate measures of the prevailing bias.” The ASCB white paper is no doubt a step in the right direction. It offers 13 recommendations to encourage more rigor in training, publishing, and standards. But the most important recommendation of all continues to be ignored.

Daniel Sarewitz has noted not only the problem of bias in scientific research but also the causes. Note his final thought in this quote:

All involved benefit from positive results, and from the appearance of progress. Scientists are rewarded both intellectually and professionally, science administrators are empowered and the public desire for a better world is answered. The lack of incentives to report negative results, replicate experiments or recognize inconsistencies, ambiguities and uncertainties is widely appreciated — but the necessary cultural change is incredibly difficult to achieve.

And so it is that science’s much touted self-correcting, feedback loop which ensures science converges on the truth (after all, that’s what Mr. Wells told us in seventh grade science class) is sometimes a little slow to act.

And if the ASCB is still needing to remind scientists to clean their beakers and use checklists, imagine the difficulty in achieving more fundamental change?

This brings us to the recommendation that ASCB did not make—the most important of all. And that is for science to free itself of the excessive metaphysics. Unfortunately, progress on that front is glacial. As Sarewitz notes, one reason bias persists, and is so harmful, is that in the moment it is not perceived as bias. Asking an evolutionist to stop with the metaphysics goes nowhere because it isn’t recognized as metaphysics. Deep philosophy is a part of their “science” as much as red meat is a part of hamburgers.

Even if the ASCB task force members wanted to address this fundamental problem, they wouldn’t for the backlash would be overwhelming and their professional reputations would be ruined.

So while the pipettes will be sterilized and results double checked to the third decimal point, ASCB will continue to publish junk science driven by the Epicurean mandate that the world must have arisen spontaneously. Unfortunately, the ASCB task force has missed the most important recommendation of all.

The sublime logistics of the human body vs. Darwinism.

The fossil record's flying reptiles may have eaten Darwinist's homework

 Fossil Friday: The Explosive Origin of Flying Reptiles in the Mid Triassic

This Fossil Friday features the gliding reptile Sharovipteryx mirabilis from the Mid Triassic of Central Asia.

Within only two million years of the Mid-Triassic era (about 230-228 million years ago) there was a sudden appearance of a large diversity of gliding and flying reptiles, such as Sharovipteryx with wings on the legs, Mecistotrachelos and the unrelated Kuehneosauridae with a gliding membrane across lateral rib-like projections, Longisquama with long feather-like scales on the back, and the earliest pterosaurs such as Preondactylus with bat-like wings supported by a single enlarged finger.

Considerable Re-Engineering

All these very different solutions for gliding and active flight required considerable re-engineering of the tetrapod body plan, and such biological novelty arguably required new and highly specific genetic code. Such specified information cannot be produced by blind mechanisms and certainly not in such a short window of time of only two million years, which corresponds to just about half the average longevity of a vertebrate species.

Personally, I am quite sympathetic to the dissenting view of my paleontologist colleague Simon Conway Morris, who suggested that evolution does not work through a blind and random mechanism, but rather like a search engine that searches for pre-existing platonic forms in a constrained hyperspace of biological possibilities. However, this would no longer be Darwinian evolution but a highly teleological process and thus a kind of intelligent design combined with platonist idealism as metaphysics.

Whatever the mechanism of design may have been, the abrupt origin of flying reptiles is just one example within a kind of carpet bombing of biological explosions during the Triassic era, when many new orders and families of metazoan animals suddenly appeared after the end-Permian mass extinction event. This has been called the Early Triassic Metazoan Radiation, and includes marine invertebrates (e.g., bivalves and ceratite cephalopods), insects (e.g., coleopterans and dipterans), 15 different families and body plans of marine reptiles (Bechly 2023), as well as the first representatives of modern terrestrial tetrapod taxa that appeared suddenly within a short window of time between 251-240 million years ago (Ezcurra 2010). The latter include the first dinosaurs (Nyasasaurus), the first lizard-relatives (Lepidosauromorpha such as Paliguana), the first croc-relatives (Crurotarsi such as Ctenodiscosaurus), the first mammal-like animals (Mammaliaformes such as Haramiyida), and allegedly the first turtles (Pappochelys) even though this is more dubious (Bechly 2022).

Goal-Directed and Intelligent

The well-known paleontologist Peter Ward, who is an ardent Darwinist and a strong opponent of intelligent design theory, explicitly acknowledged that “the diversity of Triassic animal plans is analogous to the diversity of marine body plans that resulted from the Cambrian Explosion. It also occurred for nearly the same reasons and, as will be shown, was as important for animal life on land as the Cambrian Explosion was for marine animal life” (Ward 2006:160). I totally agree that all these explosions occurred for the same reasons and by the same causes, which must have been goal-directed and intelligent.


Bechly G 2022. Fossil Friday: Turtles All the Way Down. Evolution News July 1, 2022.
Bechly G 2023. Fossil Friday: The Triassic Explosion of Marine Reptiles. Evolution News March 31, 2023.
Ezcurra MD 2010. Biogeography of Triassic tetrapods: evidence for provincialism and driven sympatric cladogenesis in the early evolution of modern tetrapod lineages. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 277(1693), 2547–2552. DOI:
Ward PD 2006. Out of Thin Air. Joseph Henry Press, Washington (DC), 296 pp.

The main event?

 Origin of Life: James Tour and Dave Farina Will Debate at Rice University on Friday; Watch Here

Everyone’s favorite fake professor, Dave Farina, has devoted many hours on his YouTube Channel, “Professor Dave Explains,” to spewing venom at skeptics of materialist doctrine on biological origins. Perhaps you thought, “Gee, wouldn’t it be interesting if Dave agreed to an in-person debate with, let’s say, Rice University chemist James Tour on the origin of life?”

Dr. Tour is highly skeptical that theorists have got it all figured out about how life arose from non-life on a barren early Earth through known material processes alone. Farina attacked him and his “idiot followers” repeatedly for that. Yeah, Farina is a real mensch, as you may know. Tour, considering that Farina has a YouTube subscriber base of 2.48 million, and thus is reaching a lot of vulnerable people who have no idea how uniformed he is, responded accordingly. In videos of his own, Dr. Tour even offered to fly Farina out to Rice to debate him — put him up at Tour’s home, give him dinner, etc.

<iframe width="460" height="259" src="" title="Dr James Tour and Dave Farina Debate Announcement" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I thought, “Dream on, Professor Tour. ‘Professor Dave’ is never going to take you up on that. At some level he knows what he is.” Guess what? I was wrong. Tomorrow at 7 pm Central (5 pm Pacific), Dave Farina will indeed be debating James Tour at Rice. The topic: “Are We Clueless About the Origin of Life?” That’s Friday, May 19. I trust that Mr. Farina will enjoy his homecooked meal courtesy of the Tour household. What will it be? Meatloaf? Salmon steaks? Don’t forget the first course, a nice bowl of primordial soup fresh from the kitchen. It takes a world-renowned chemist to get that recipe right.

<iframe width="460" height="259" src="" title="Dr. James Tour vs Dave Farina | Are we clueless about the origin of life? #abiogenesis" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The Western schism: a brief history.

 The western schism

Western Schism, also called Great Schism or Great Western Schism, in the history of the Roman Catholic Church, the period from 1378 to 1417, when there were two, and later three, rival popes, each with his own following, his own Sacred College of Cardinals, and his own administrative offices.Shortly after the return of the papal residence to Rome following almost 70 years of the Avignon papacy, the archbishop of Bari was elected pope as Urban VI amid demands by the Roman populace for “a Roman or at least an Italian.” Urban VI proved to be so hostile to the cardinals, who had assumed great powers during the years at Avignon, that a group of cardinals retired to Anagni and elected one of themselves, Robert of Geneva, as Clement VII, claiming the election of Urban VI had been invalid because it was made under fear. Clement VII then took up residence at Avignon. Although Roman Catholic church historians generally agree that Urban VI and his successors were the legitimate popes, there has never been an official pronouncement to this effect.The double election had disastrous effects upon the church. The followers of the two popes were divided chiefly along national lines, and thus the dual papacy fostered the political antagonisms of the time. The spectacle of rival popes denouncing each other produced great confusion and resulted in a tremendous loss of prestige for the papacy.

Various proposals for ending the schism were made, especially by the University of Paris, which suggested either mutual resignation or a decision by an independent tribunal or a general council. This last proposal was in line with the growing conciliar movement, according to which a general council has greater authority than a pope. Both lines of popes refused to submit. Eventually cardinals from both obediences, seeking to end the schism, arranged the Council of Pisa, which met in 1409 and elected a third pope, Alexander V, who was succeeded shortly thereafter by Baldassare Cossa, who took the name John XXIII. Under pressure from the emperor Sigismund, John convoked, in 1414, the Council of Constance, which deposed him, received the resignation of the Roman pope, Gregory XII, and dismissed the claims of the Avignon pope, Benedict XIII. That series of events opened the way to the election of Martin V in November 1417, whereby the schism was ended.

Thursday, 18 May 2023

Maintaining law and order on the final frontier

Matthew Henry's Commentary on Daniel ch12:1.

 On Michael the great prince

Jesus Christ shall appear his church's patron and protector: At that time, when the persecution is at the hottest, Michael shall stand up, v. 1. The angel had told Daniel what a firm friend Michael was to the church, ch. 10:21. He all along showed this friendship in the upper world; the angels knew it; but now Michael shall stand up in his providence, and work deliverance for the Jews, when he sees that their power is gone, Deu. 32:3. 6. Christ is that great prince, for he is the prince of the kings of the earth, Rev. 1:5. And, if he stand up for his church, who can be against it? But this is not all: At that time (that is, soon after) Michael shall stand up for the working out of our eternal salvation; the Son of God shall be incarnate, shall be manifested to destroy the works of the devil. Christ stood for the children of our people when he was made sin and a curse for them, stood in their stead as a sacrifice, bore the cure for them, to bear it from them. He stands for them in the intercession he ever lives to make within the veil, stands up for them, and stands their friend. And after the destruction of antichrist, of whom Antiochus was a type, Christ shall stand at the latter day upon the earth, shall appear for the complete redemption of all his.

The miracle of a nice day.

 Intelligent Design in Weather — The “Perfect Day” Conspiracy

Yesterday where I live was one of those rare days in spring that might prompt the comment, “What a perfect day!” The air was fresh, the sky was blue, the temperature rose to about 75 degrees Fahrenheit, and a gentle breeze was blowing. While we all know that weather conditions can change drastically and become harsh, seasons come when most people can enjoy being outside.

Whether we feel thankful for the weather, or just ignore it, it may be of interest to ponder some things that go into providing our weather conditions on Earth. The cast of characters that play a behind-the-scenes role in our weather each have the potential to wreak havoc with the livability of our climate. Seeing how they usually all conspire together for our benefit could be called the perfect day conspiracy.

The Investigation Begins

Our undercover investigation of this conspiracy first takes us a long way from home, on a dive into the very core of our Sun. Conditions there are far from idyllic — for humans, but they’re just right for a sustained thermonuclear fusion reaction that converts hydrogen into helium. At a temperature of 15 million degrees Celsius, and a crushing density of 14 times the density of lead, this solar furnace annihilates four million tons of matter each second to produce what we blithely refer to as “sunshine.” To further add to the exotic origin of our sunlight, about 3.8 percent of the energy from each fusion reaction in the solar core comes from matter-antimatter annihilations between positrons and normal electrons, in a scenario as sci-fi sounding as the iconic warp drive in Star Trek.

The total power output from the Sun’s nuclear furnace is a steady 4×1026 Watts, radiating uniformly into all directions of space. Since the Earth revolves around the Sun in a nearly circular orbit, the heat and light intercepted by the Earth stay constant to within a few percent throughout the year. Due to the large distance from the Sun to the Earth, out of all the power emitted by the Sun, the entire Earth only intercepts the tiniest fraction — less than one part per billion. Yet that fraction (0.45×10-9 out of all the Sun’s power) is just right to give us seasons when the temperature outdoors is just right.

The Marvel of Rain

But what about those rainy days? Today, just a couple of days after I started writing this article, the skies are grey with clouds and rain is predicted for the next 24 hours. In the Midwest, rainy days and thunderstorms roll through frequently enough that the farm country across several states can predictably grow crops during the summer months without resorting to artificial irrigation. The marvel of regular rainfall hits home if you’ve ever lived in a drier region. When I lived in Southern California, the entire summer often lacked any measurable precipitation. 

We all know that rain clouds consist of condensed water vapor that evaporated primarily from ocean water, although surface water on land also contributes. With 71 percent of our planet covered by oceans, and an average planetary temperature of about 59 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius), plenty of evaporation occurs. The resultant clouds need to hold their water, however, for a journey of hundreds to thousands of miles to fall as rain on the interior of continents. Prevailing winds, powered by the Sun’s energy and the Earth’s rotation, are major factors in bringing rain clouds to regions far removed from any ocean. The water cycle is far more complex than can be described in a few sentences, but it’s all part of giving us a perfect day.

Explaining a Blue Sky

“Why is the sky blue?” is a familiar question, but the answer to how this atmospheric color contributes to our perfect day conspiracy may not be well known. Sunlight is composed of all colors, so when the Sun shines on the atmosphere on a clear day, why does the sky predominantly appear blue? It has to do with sunlight being composed of oscillating electric and magnetic fields that interact with the molecules of air (primarily N2 and O2). The electrons in the air molecules are set into oscillating motion by the light and this causes them to reradiate at the same frequency. However, and here’s the blue-sky secret, high frequency light (blue-violet) is reradiated almost ten times more strongly than low frequency visible light (red). When we look at the sky in any direction away from the Sun, we’re only seeing scattered or reradiated light, which favors the high-frequency blue color. 

This pleasant phenomenon of blue-light scattering also depends on the relative size of the air molecules being much smaller than the wavelength of light. When the atmosphere contains clouds or fog composed of water droplets much larger than the wavelength of light, sunlight is scattered without preference for color, causing clouds and fog banks to look white or gray.

A Rosy Glow

At the end of a perfect day, when the Sun is setting, the beams of light we see slant through the atmosphere nearly parallel (tangent) to the Earth’s surface. The light therefore journeys further through the air, so most of the bluish colors are scattered away by the time it reaches our eyes, and guess what? This also provides us with the gorgeous reddish-orange sunset colors that highlight and provide a rosy glow on any clouds lingering near the horizon.

So much beauty from an obscure electromagnetic phenomenon that nobody understood until about 150 years ago! From nuclear fusion in the Sun to Earth’s orbital radius, to atmospheric conditions and the interaction of light with molecules, to the properties of water, and many more details that I had to leave out, it seems like a line-up of more than “the usual suspects” conspired together to bring us a perfect day.

Begotten not made?

John ch.1:18LSB"No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him."

John ch.1:18NWT Study Edition"No man has seen God at any time;+ the only-begotten god+ who is at the Father’s side+ is the one who has explained Him.+"

John ch.6:57LSB"As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also will live because of Me." 

If the first cause argument is to retain coherence the most high God MUST be unbegotten/self-sustaining. As to what is meant by JEHOVAH'S Begetting of his unique son ,Jesus helps us by using his resurrection of those who faithfully follow him up to their deaths as an analog. Thus JEHOVAH does not merely sustain his Logos he caused his origin.

Birth language as applied to JEHOVAH in scripture always refers to creation/recreation 

Psalm ch.90:1,2LSB"Lord, You have been our dwelling place from generation to generation.

2Before the mountains were bor

Or You brought forth the earth and the world

Even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God.",

Note the birth language used to describe JEHOVAH'S very temporal Creating of the planet.

What about the Begetting of the unique Son of the God.

Acts ch.13:33LSB"that God has fulfilled this promise to our children in that He raised up Jesus, as it is also written in the second Psalm, ‘You are My Son; today I have begotten You.’"

Thus the very temporal resurrection of the son is called a Begetting of him, and to be clear the resurrection is a creative act by JEHOVAH.

Psalm ch.104:29,30LSB"You hide Your face, they are dismayed;

You take away their spirit, they breathe their last

And return to their dust.

You send forth Your Spirit, they are created;

And You renew the face of the ground."

If our Lord's Begetting in time via re-creation does not invalidate his sonship the neither should his Begetting in time via creation.

Colossians ch.1:15KJV"Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: "

On artificial intelligence and artificial stupidity

Wednesday, 17 May 2023

That crash in the distance is sound of the fall of Darwin's tree of life?

 The Dawkins Test Returns an Answer: Intelligent Design

In 2009 atheist biologist Richard Dawkins offered a scientific test to decide between Darwinian evolution and intelligent design (ID). The results are in, and as guest Casey Luskin explains on a new episode of ID the Future, the evidence has broken strongly in favor of intelligent design. At the time Dawkins presented the test, he was confident that comparative DNA evidence supported Darwin’s tree of life and its idea of universal common ancestry. He made the point in his 2009 book The Greatest Show on Earth and in two interviews. As he Put it, “The single most convincing fact or observation you could point to” in favor of Darwinian evolution over against ID “would be the pattern of resemblances that you see when you compare the genes … of any pair of animals you like … and then plot out the resemblances and they form a perfect hierarchy, a perfect family tree. And the only alternative to it being a family tree is that the intelligent designer deliberately set out to deceive us in the most underhanded and devious manner.”

But 14 years later the picture looks very different. Dr. Luskin details the various ways that the rapidly developing field of phylogenomics is uncovering data that powerfully fits the ID model of life’s history and strongly undermines the idea of universal common ancestry via mindless evolution. As Luskin says in a recent Evolution News Article, “Now, years later, scientists have sequenced a great number of whole genomes. And as a consequence, they know that Dawkins was wrong. Every gene does not deliver ‘approximately the same tree of life.’… On its own terms, the Dawkins test for evolution has come up for ID.”

So why haven’t evolutionary biologists given up on universal common ancestry? Luskin says that some have, while others reflexively invoke auxiliary hypotheses and employ question-begging computer models to generate tree-like ancestries in the face of contrary data. Luskin compares the behavior to astronomers who protected the dying geocentric model of the solar system by invoking “epicycles” to explain away contrary astronomical data. Better to let the Dawkins Test speak for itself, Luskin says. Download the podcast or listen to it here.

Why no simple middle either.

 Jonathan McLatchie on Classic Examples of Irreducibly Complex Systems

On a new episode of ID the Future, Dr. Jonathan McLatchie talks with with host Tom Gilson about the key features of irreducibly complex biological systems. McLatchie is a Fellow with Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture. He holds advanced degrees in evolutionary biology and molecular bioscience. He is also an assistant professor of biology at Sattler College in Boston and speaks and interviews regularly on science topics. Here, McLatchie offers a close examination of two classic examples of irreducibly complex systems — the bacterial flagellar motor and the process of DNA replication in cell division. He explains the intricacies of each process and shows why each stands up to scrutiny as a true instance of irreducible complexity. Along the way, he explains why the RNA world scenario isn’t likely to be the answer to irreducible complexity that materialists are looking for. And near the end, be sure to listen to McLatchie explain the “likelihood ratio” of the evidence for irreducible complexity, a top-heavy ratio he says strongly supports a design hypothesis. Download the podcast or listen to it here