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Saturday 29 April 2017

Darwinism continues to lose on every sale.

An Inordinate Fondness for Confounding Darwinians

Write FAIL by another Darwinian prediction: there's no relationship between the length of a branch on Darwin's "tree of life" and how many leaves it has. Evolutionists find this result of a massive study surprising and disconcerting.
The question is this: Shouldn't groups of organisms that have been evolving the longest have the most species? If neo-Darwinism could make any law-like predictions, this should be it: the inexorable pressure to evolve or perish should lead to the most species in the oldest groups:
the most fundamental expectation in macroevolutionary studies is simply that species richness in extant clades should be correlated with clade age: all things being equal, older clades will have had more time for diversity to accumulate than younger clades.
So say Rabosky, Slater and Alfaro, who have just published the most exhaustive study to date of species richness as a function of time. They examined species counts for 1,397 clades, representing 1.2 million species "for taxa as diverse as ferns, fungi, and flies" (emphasis added throughout). Here's what they expected, as reported in their paper in PLoS Biology:
The most general explanatory variable of all is clade age: clades vary in age, and this age variation should lead to differences in clade diversity, particularly if all clades have identical net rates of species diversification through time. If clade diversity is generally increasing through time, there is a strong theoretical expectation that species richness should be associated with their age (Figure S1). Even if individual clades are characterized by a "balanced" random walk in diversity, such that speciation and extinction rates are exactly equal, we may still observe a positive relationship between age and richness through time if clade diversity is conditioned on survival to the present day (Figure S1). Stochastic models of clade diversification through time consistently suggest that species richness and clade age should be correlated. These expectations differ from patterns observed for extinct clades, presumably because living clades have survived to the present to be observed. The expectation that age and diversity should be correlated does not minimize the importance of evolutionary "key innovations" and other factors as determinants of clade richness. In fact, to the extent that such factors influence net diversification rates, their effects should further accentuate differences in richness attributable to age variation alone.
Well, guess what. They aren't correlated. "Clade Age and Species Richness Are Decoupled Across the Eukaryotic Tree of Life," says he paper's title. "At the largest phylogenetic scales, contemporary patterns of species richness are inconsistent with unbounded diversity increase through time," the researchers found. "These results imply that a fundamentally different interpretative paradigm may be needed in the study of phylogenetic diversity patterns in many groups of organisms." Much to their consternation, they couldn't wiggle out of this result (readers can check the open-access paper for how many ways they tried).

The three biologists certainly are aware of complicating factors that might rule out a neat, clean graph. They know that "Some groups, like beetles and flowering plants, contain nearly incomprehensible species diversity, but the overwhelming majority of groups contain far fewer species." Only one species of tuatara, for example, remains after 200 million years on the planet. Sometimes extinction rate exceeds speciation rate; sometimes the ecological niche puts constraints on the ability to diversify. Or, species counts might be artifacts of our taxonomic system or the habits of collectors. Still, even when correcting for these factors, Rabosky et al. expected some remnant of a law-like trend between clade age and species diversity. Not only was no correlation found at the large scale, it was not found at finer scales either. When they authors examined beetles in more detail, for instance, age and diversity showed an even lower correlation than for the bigger picture.
This failure of expectations left them scrambling. It's important to understand the causes for this decoupling, they point out, because most phylogenetic models rely on the implicit assumption that clades should diversify over time at some kind of predictable evolutionary rate. "If age and richness truly are decoupled, then species richness in clades should not be modeled as the outcome of a simple time-constant diversification process, as is done in the overwhelming majority of evolutionary and biogeographic studies." Note that point: the "overwhelming majority of ... evolutionary studies" is based on an assumption that is demonstrably wrong!
Commentary by Harmon
When faced with contrary data this strong, evolutionists have to be immensely creative in coming up with ways to dodge the implications. Luke J. Harmon, for instance, commenting on this paper in the same issue of PLoS Biology, tries humor. He tinkers with an irrelevant joke by J. B. S. Haldane who, noting the 400,000-some-odd species of Coleoptera, quipped that "God has an inordinate fondness for beetles." Harmon titled his paper, therefore, "An Inordinate Fondness for Eukaryotic Diversity."
The point of his commentary is that this is not really a problem; sure, the study showed that it is "difficult or impossible to predict how many species will be found in a particular clade knowing how long a clade has been diversifying from a common ancestor" -- but one thing evolutionists can take heart about, he assures us: we're slowly becoming ever wiser and more knowledgeable about Darwin's world:
This pattern suggests complex dynamics of speciation and extinction in the history of eukaryotes. Rabosky et al.'s paper represents the latest development in our efforts to understand the Earth's biodiversity at the broadest scales.
Where is the understanding exactly? Evolutionists predicted a trend, and found none. Does labeling the situation "complex " help? Does a drunken sailor's staggering suddenly make sense simply by speaking of it as reflecting a "complex dynamic"?

Harmon praises Rabosky et al. for "the most ambitious study to date" saying, "This provides a remarkably complete view of what we currently know about the species diversity of clades across a huge section of the tree of life." He imagines an escape hatch in the future, saying that their "analysis is not the final chapter" because "the tree of life is still under construction, and the total number of species in some clades is best viewed as an educated guess." Maybe somebody else will find a pattern some day. With more genomes, or with improved species counts, who knows?
"Still, the results in Rabosky et al. are intriguing and will certainly inspire further study, which I expect will be focused on testing more sophisticated mathematical models, beyond the constant-rate birth-death models prevalent today, that might be able to explain patterns in the data." Yes, falsifying evidence is indeed "intriguing." After that, Harmon wanders off into a distracting diversion about another evolutionist's quip, this one by Huxley, who joked about "Santa Rosalia as the patroness of evolutionary studies." Pay no attention; there's no falsification here. Look at this nice shrine!
News Coverage
How did the science news media spin this result? Michael Alfaro, senior author of the paper, works at UCLA, where a press release written by Stuart Wolpert gave the official interpretation for public consumption (for instance, on PhysOrg). "Why evolution has produced 'winners' -- including mammals and many species of birds and fish -- and 'losers' is a major question in evolutionary biology," we're told.
Scientists have often posited that because some animal and plant lineages are much older than others, they have had more time to produce new species (the dearth of crocodiles notwithstanding). This idea -- that time is an important predictor of species number -- underlies many theoretical models used by biologists. However, it fails to explain species numbers across all multi-cellular life on the planet, a team of life scientists reports Aug. 28 in the online journal PLoS Biology, a publication of the Public Library of Science.

"We found no evidence of that," said Michael Alfaro, a UCLA associate professor of ecology and evolutionary biology and senior author of the new study. "When we look across the tree of life, the age of the group tells us almost nothing about how many species we would expect to find. In most groups, it tells us nothing."
Another idea, that some groups are innately better or worse at producing species, similarly fails to explain differences in species number among all of the major living lineages of plants and animals, the life scientists found.
So far, this is a forthright statement of the findings. Wolpert gives significant space to Alfaro's favorite rescue strategy, that of "adaptive zone carrying capacity" -- the notion that speciation will proceed up to the point where an adaptive zone is filled to its carrying capacity, then will stop. "Most of the groups that we studied have hit their limits," Alfaro said. "Ecological limits can explain the data we see." This is, of course, not an explanation but a post-hoc rationalization.

So despite the despairing tone of the paper, Alfaro finds a little light in the darkness: "The ultimate goal in our field is to have a reconstruction of the entire evolutionary history of all species on the planet," he says. "Here we provide a piece of the puzzle. Our study sheds light on the causal factors of biodiversity across the tree of life."
But in the paper, the three authors jointly considered and rejected adaptive zone carrying capacity as a suitable explanation for the data. The idea of adaptive zones is not new; George Gaylord Simpson coined the phrase in 1953. Adaptive zone carrying capacity was one of several "diversity-dependent processes" the authors investigated that might result in the decoupling of time and diversity they found. The explanation would be that "ecological opportunity influences the tempo and mode of species diversification through time."
A fallacy in this explanation, though, is its assumption that carrying capacity is static: "We may not understand the ecological mechanisms underlying 'carrying capacity dynamics, but we must still wrestle with substantial neontological and paleontological evidence for their existence." The dynamics exist, they mean. Organisms have uncanny abilities to break out of the box and enter new niches, or to rebound after mass extinctions; the explanation, therefore, fails when considered in the long term. It certainly does not explain why one species of tuatara survives in the same adaptive zone as hundreds of species of beetles.
The authors would not have left time-richness decoupling as an unsolved problem if any number of explanations they considered were of any help: "we are not presently aware of any non-biological mechanism that can account for this lack of relationship," they conclude. Maybe in the future someone will find a law-like pattern; for now, it's a failed prediction of Darwin's tree of life that may require a "fundamentally different interpretive paradigm," as yet unknown.
Intelligent design theory holds no fixed view on common descent per se, with some in the ID camp being personally skeptical of the idea and other more accepting. Either way, from an ID perspective, there seems no reason to expect species richness to correlate with time. The data fit well with ID predictions, therefore, but represent a strong disconfirmation of neo-Darwinian predictions. Once again, nature seems to have an inordinate fondness for confounding Darwinians

Less is more.


Stenophlebia amphitrite, a Stunningly Gorgeous Dragonfly from the Upper Jurassic
David Klinghoffer | @d_klinghoffer

Our colleague Günter Bechly, paleontologist and Senior Fellow with Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture, sends along two photographs he took. Take a moment and absorb the beauty of this fossil dragonfly:Dr. Bechly explains what we’re looking at:

It is a large dragonfly of the species Stenophlebia amphitrite from the Upper Jurassic (150 mya) lithographic limestone of Solnhofen in Bavaria, which is the same locality where Archaeopteryx was found. The dragonfly has a wing span of 17 cm (and belongs with other species of the family Stenophlebiidae to an extinct suborder Stenophlebioptera that was established by me. All known species are from the Mesozoic (Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous).
When you see something like that, a creature that is so transparently a work of art, how in the world do you jump to evolutionary explanations dependent exclusively on blind churning?

Dr. Bechly tells his story, as a proponent of the theory of intelligent design, in a clip from  Revolutionary: Michael Behe and the Mystery of Molecular MachinesFind it here.


Design derangement syndrome?

Houston Chronicle, We’ve Got a Problem: Meet Fake News Reporter Andrea Zelinski
John G. West

If you need one more reason why the public’s trust in the news media continues to collapse, consider the recent fake news stories filed by the Houston Chronicle and its agenda-driven reporter Andrea Zelinski. The stories focused on the adoption of revised science standards by the Texas State Board of Education.

Zelinski’s articles portrayed the science standards battle as a struggle to introduce creationism or intelligent design into Texas’s science curriculum. Her stories carried titles like “State ed board reins in science standards hinting at creationism” and “SBOE gives final OK to curb creationism language in science standards.”   Another story began by claiming that the science standards dispute was “rekindling a long-running debate about how much to emphasize creationism in public schools.”

In reality, this year’s debate over science standards in Texas was not about either creationism or intelligent design. It centered on whether the standards should encourage students to evaluate the evidence for various evolutionary claims, many of which are disputed by a growing number of scientists.

For example, should students “analyze and evaluate” the evidence for what natural selection can actually do? Should they “analyze and evaluate” the evidence for universal common ancestry? And should they evaluate existing explanations about the origin of DNA or cellular complexity?

Evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of existing scientific explanations is a key part of the scientific process, and it doesn’t require getting into alternative theories such as intelligent design.

Of course, Discovery Institute supports discussion of intelligent design in the public square and the scientific community. But we don’t advocate that discussion in K-12 public schools.

As I clearly told Zelinski in a phone interview, Discovery Institute is not trying to push intelligent design into public schools, and the Texas science standards don’t deal with intelligent design in any case. For K-12 public education, all we recommend is allowing students to critically evaluate the evidence for the main prongs of modern evolutionary theory.

However, Zelinski did her best to obfuscate our actual position about intelligent design in public education, and she let her personal opposition to our views show through in her slanted writing. Here is what she wrote (emphasis added):

Students should be learning more about evolution, not less, said John West, vice president at the Discovery Institute, a Seattle-based group that seeks to discredit evolutionary biology while pushing the non-scientific theory of “intelligent design.” The group, which has an office in Dallas, is urging Texans to tell school board members to keep the words “evaluate” in the standards.

“Our concern is there is an effort to dumb down the standards,” West said. “To dumb down and to cut out what students would actually learn about and we think more science is better, and we think critical thinking and critical analysis is good too, especially when it comes to the origin of to the origin of the first life, where there are a lot of competing views.”
Notice the loaded language Zelinski used to describe Discovery Institute. According to her, we are trying to “discredit” evolutionary biology while “pushing” the “non-scientific theory” of “intelligent design.”

This is not a neutral journalistic description of our work. It is blatant editorializing.

One can easily see this by re-writing her sentence using more neutral language. What if she had described Discovery Institute as “a Seattle-based group focused on critiquing parts of evolutionary biology and advancing the idea that life is intelligently designed”? The impression conveyed to readers would have been vastly different.

Lest one think Zelinski didn’t know what she was doing, compare her slanted description of Discovery Institute with her innocuous description of the far-left Texas Freedom Network (TFN) as “an activist group focused on religious freedom and individual liberties.”

What if Zelinski had instead described TFN as “an activist group that seeks to discredit the ‘religious right’ while pushing a partisan left-wing agenda”? TFN would have been justifiably upset by such a description appearing in a supposedly impartial news story.

As it was, TFN needn’t have worried, because Zelinski was clearly on their side to begin with.

But Zelinski’s slanted description of Discovery Institute isn’t the biggest problem with her report. Far more serious is the critical piece of information she conveniently left out from her interview with me.

Zelinski nowhere acknowledged that Discovery Institute actually opposes inserting intelligent design in K-12 public schools, and so for us, the science standards debate was not about intelligent design.

By failing to disclose this important fact, Zelinski’s statement that we are “pushing” intelligent design clearly misled readers by making it seem we were trying to insert intelligent design into schools through the Texas science standards.

That’s fake news.

Newspapers are in a free-fall throughout the United States as they deal with competition from new forms of media. You’d think that in such an environment they would be trying to improve their coverage and address reader concerns about agenda-driven and biased reporting. Apparently the journalists at the Houston Chronicle have decided not to bother. Some day they may wish they had.