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Sunday, 25 February 2024

Getting fraud down to a science? III


Mind is absolutely over matter?


The odd couple?

 Can Evolution and Intelligent Design Be Happily Wedded?

On a new episode of ID the Future, host Casey Luskin kicks off a series of interviews responding to theologian Dr. Rope Kojonen’s proposal that front-loaded intelligent design and a full-blooded evolutionary process worked together in harmony to produce the diversity of life we find on Earth. Here, Dr. Luskin interviews Dr. Stephen Dilley, lead author of a comprehensive critique of Kojonen’s model, co-authored with Luskin, Brian Miller, and Emily Reeves and published in the journal Religions.

In the first half of a conversation, Luskin and Dilley describe Dr. Kojonen’s proposal in a nutshell, providing the philosophical framing needed to grasp Kojonen’s elegant but flawed argument. Kojonen’s idea is the ultimate front-loaded design model, allowing for evolutionary mechanisms to work themselves out, but within a careful and purposeful arrangement of finely tuned preconditions and laws of form. Seemingly, t’s the best of both worlds: empirically detectable design within a fully natural evolutionary process. 

But there’s a problem. The fine-tuning Kojonen claims is baked into evolutionary processes is actually not there. The sequence space for amino acids to come together to form functional proteins has been found to be exceedingly rare as well as isolated. We don’t find evidence of fine-tuning within the mutation/selection mechanism. Instead, we find a process limited in its creative power that cannot have produced the complexity and information-rich innovation necessary to bring about life’s biological diversity. As Luskin puts it, “He [Kojonen] is arguing that God had to stack the deck in favor of evolution in order to get it to work.” It’s an interesting thesis, and Kojonen is serious and scholarly in his approach to the problem. But in the end, it fails on scientific grounds.

Download the podcast or listen to it here.

Yet more confirming of the humanity of ancient humans.

 Burials Reveal Prehistoric Cultures Valued Children with Down Syndrome

We’ve all probably heard from one pundit or another that prehistoric humans discarded children with disabilities, just as animals might. Well, recently, researchers screened the DNA of 10,000 ancient humans (historic and prehistoric) for evidence of genetically detectible syndromes like Down sydrome. According to their report in Nature, “We find clear genetic evidence for six cases of trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) and one case of trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome), and all cases are present in infant or perinatal burials.”

Clearly, people with significant genetic disorders could not expect a long life back then. But the researchers were surprised by the respect shown to the deceased children: “Notably, the care with which the burials were conducted, and the items found with these individuals indicate that ancient societies likely acknowledged these individuals with trisomy 18 and 21 as members of their communities, from the perspective of burial practice.”

The five prehistoric burials were all located within settlements and in some cases accompanied by special items such as colored bead necklaces, bronze rings or sea-shells. “These burials seem to show us that these individuals were cared for and appreciated as part of their ancient societies,” says [Adam] Rohrlach, the lead author of the study.


Down syndrome (an extra whole or partial copy of the 21st chromosome, hence trisomy 21 ) is comparatively common (1/1,000 births). Edwards syndrome — three copies of chromosome 18 — occurs in 1/3,000 births.

Five of these burials of children with Down syndrome date to between 5,000 and 2,500 years before the present, in settled communities. An interesting feature is that the infants were buried inside houses:

“At the moment, we cannot say why we find so many cases at these sites,” says Roberto Risch, an archaeologist of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona working on intramural funerary rites, “but we know that they belonged to the few children who received the privilege to be buried inside the houses after death. This already is a hint that they were perceived as special babies.”


“A Surprise to Us”

In an article at The Conversation, researchers Adam “Ben” Rohrlach and Kay Prüfer comment,

The fact that three cases of Down syndrome and the one case of Edwards syndrome were found in just two contemporaneous and nearby settlements was a surprise to us.

“We don’t know why this happened,” says our co-author Roberto Risch, an archaeologist from The Autonomous University of Barcelona. “But it appears as if these people were purposefully choosing these infants for special burials.” “


Generally, when people are buried inside a home (floor burials), they are thought to be good, not bad, in some way. The sixth such burial was in a church graveyard in Finland, dated to the 17th–18th century

Why Were the Researchers So Surprised?

The researchers may be startled that the children were treated as members of the community because today considerable effort is made to identify children with Down syndrome prenatally — and most of them are aborted.

But perhaps Wayne Gretzky (in hockey, the legendary Great One) would be less surprised. In 1981, he met and developed a friendship with teenage Joey Moss (1963–2020) who had Down syndrome. In 1984, he got him a job as a locker room attendant with the Edmonton Oilers. Moss took to League life very well. An ardent fan and great favorite, he was inducted into the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame in 2003. He also received the National Hockey League Alumni Association’s Seventh Man award that year, for those “whose behind-the-scenes efforts make a difference in the lives of others.

A YouTube commenter writes, “I still tear up when I think of what we lost in Joey. He totally changed the way I deal with handicapped people. Clearly, his name must be in the rafters.”

Gretzky told People Magazine in 2016, “The people of Edmonton have accepted Joey as an everyday person without any sort of handicap and that’s what’s really special about his story.” Meanwhile, Gretzky himself raised money through golf tournaments to build more group homes for people who live with Down syndrome as adults — something that, of course, didn’t happen much in remote antiquity when almost all life expectancies were short.

If we don’t give people like Joey a chance, perhaps we haven’t advanced beyond our ancestors as much as we think, apart from our better living conditions.