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Sunday, 16 July 2023

The irrationality of created time and space.

 One particularly circular line of reasoning re:the negation of the monarchy of JEHOVAH. Is the argument that Jesus cannot in fact be the first creation if through him all other things were created because all other things must include time and space.

Apparently no creating can happen outside of time and space.

Obviously the one thinking up this "defense" of the eternity of the Son needs to think some more the problem of creating outside of time would apply to any creation including time and space if these were made the first creations. There would be no here or now(as these are temporal and spatial delineations) in which any emergence of a created time or space could occur.

Not to mention that a finite time and space would cancel free moral agency.

In the scriptures time and space are purely abstract values that can neither be created nor destroyed . Thus there would be no need create time or space.

Psalms ch.90:2NIV"Before the mountains were born

or you brought forth the whole world,

from everlasting(olam) to everlasting(olam) you are God."

Time is permanent like JEHOVAH whom it describes

1Kings ch.8:30NIV"Hear the supplication of your servant and of your people Israel when they pray toward this place. Hear from heaven, your dwelling place, and when you hear, forgive."

So there is an eternal place outside of the creation where JEHOVAH the unmoved mover is permanently stationed.

We know that this dwelling is outside the creation because 

Verse 27NIV"“But will God really dwell on earth? The heavens, even the highest heaven, CANNOT contain you. "

JEHOVAH CANNOT and need not enter his creation to accomplish his will. It is this fact that vindicates him as a perfect creator.  Indeed that is the purpose of the manifesting of JEHOVAH's logos to vindicate JEHOVAH as creator.

John ch.8:50NIV"I am not seeking glory for myself; but there is one who seeks it, and he is the judge."

1 comment:

  1. Maybe we will get into theology again, in Paradise. In the meantime, one could read Ryan T. Mullins "The End of the Timeless God" and "Divine Timemaker", very good papers on this very subject


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