1)If the existence of moral evil and suffering in the world means there is no intelligent design any where in the universe.What does the existence of altruism and moral good in the very same universe mean?2)By what objective criterion/criteria is significance attributed only to the moral negative?3)If we are all the product of mindless/purposeless processes by what OBJECTIVE criteria can moral good or evil be determined?4)Many atheists argue against human consciousness for these:Could you name one thing more axiomatic than your own existence as a unique individual?5)If you don't consider your own existence as an individual axiomatic What about the rest of us?
6)If law enforcement officers in the course of conducting an investigation were to discover a corpse bound and gagged in the trunk of your car would you consider the following a knockout argument against your being considered a murder suspect:Why officer, there are over two billion car trunks on this planet it is well within the realm of possibility that a bound and gagged corpse would end up in one of these by a combination of purely random/co incidental occurrences lets not have any unwarranted invoking of agent causation.
7)Why do atheists insists that atheism is a natural font of civil liberty a)when NO society characterised by widespread civil liberty has ever been founded/administred by self-declared atheists b)EVERY society/government ever founded by self-declared atheists has been a repressive thugocracy?
8)What evidence would persuade you that intelligent causation is the best explanation for the origin of an object?
One more thing: in as much as some claim that the multiverse can produce men (and depending on whom one ask ubermen) via chance and necessity,can it also in like manner produce Gods? If not, why not?
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