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Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Why I continue to maintain that the trinity causes brain damage: Latin edition.

"Among those who actually think about such matters, the two most popular understandings of the doctrine of the Trinity are Latin Trinitarianism (LT) and Social Trinitarianism (ST). According to LT, God is essentially one being who subsists in three distinct persons. Each person of the Trinity is numerically identical to God, but numerically distinct from the other two persons. As I’ve argued elsewhere (and so have others) this conception of the Trinity is mysterious to the point of paradox," professor James N Anderson. 

Now let us think carefully about what the learned professor is asking us to believe,with no more support than the imagination of himself and like-minded academics, we are told that the one God whom the Bible tells us is the most high God see Psalms 83 and is the only God entitled to Man's devotion/loyalty see Deuteronomy ch.6 vrs.4,5 is a being 'who'(not which) subsists in three persons each of whom is numerically identical to the same being despite their each subsisting in one person. So really we are talking about four people, a quadrinity ,if you will ,who, despite the demands of elementary school arithmetic, are actually the same person as the one God. At least social Trinitarians understood ,that if the Essence shared in common by the divine persons in their trinity was himself a person, they could no longer claim that their Godhead was a trinity ,and that claiming that each member of the trinity was identical to the trinity would compound the absurdity of the doctrine they were already requiring their congregants to give credence. 

Thus Latin Trinitarians could not even clear the abysmally low bar set by social trinitarians. Once more the rock of stumbling for Trinitarians (both Latin and social) is the claim that each equal and distinct member of their trinity is Fully God. JEHOVAH has no equals according to scripture and common sense ,JEHOVAH is necessary i.e cannot be substituted, JEHOVAH is immutable (in the dictionary sense). The call to the worship of the only true God JEHOVAH is a call to sanity re:our religion.

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