One thing that has become clear to me is that one cannot be an atheist and an optimist with regard to the future of our race and civilisation, at least an atheist would be completely unable to justify his optimism.The atheist universe is inherently amoral,how can a moral person possibly remain an optimist in a universe that does not acknowledge/reward virtue or condemn/punish vice as a matter of principle or for that matter a universe that had no objective basis for morality.
The atheist universe will always be a place where ego-obsessed sociopaths get away with injustice until we all go extinct that's the best any atheist can realistically expect.There of course will always be people who strive for those virtues to which the moral instinct embedded in us all beckon,but without an objective justification for those virtues the temptation to adopt the logic of nihilism,hedonism,egoism and like pathologies will only get stronger and that minority committed to the pursuit of instinctive morality(with which our civilisation maintains a parasitic relationship) will keep getting smaller.
So one can either be an atheist or be optimist about the future of our race and civilisation but not both at least not if one wishes to be intellectually consistent.
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