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Wednesday, 4 May 2022

Darwinism in time trouble? II

Fact Check: Hawaiian Silverswords Fail the Species Pair Challenge

Günter Bechly

In a recent article at Evolution News (Bechly 2022) I introduced a new argument against Darwinian evolution and a challenge to Darwinists. Here is the argument in a nutshell: Among the 350,000 described fossil species, we can identify numerous abrupt origins of new body plans within a 5–10 million years window of time. Among an estimated 8.7 million recent species we find no such body plan disparity in any pairs of species that diverged in a similar time frame according to molecular clock studies. This contradicts expectations from a Darwinian perspective. 

The simple challenge to Darwinists is to find a single pair of recent species that have diverged within about 5 million years ago and that exhibit a disparity in body plan similar to major transitions in the history of life (e.g., compared to Pakicetus and Basilosaurus). Apparently, I rattled the Darwinist cage, because it took only a few days for a fevered response at the Peaceful Science forum. They claimed to have met the challenge and also invited me to join the discussion at the forum. 

Therefore, let me first briefly explain why I declined this invitation and will never participate at Peaceful Science, which in my view deserves to be rebranded as Unpeaceful Science (Clemmons & Luskin 2021). This forum is dominated mainly by the very same group of hardcore anti-ID activists (such as Joe Felsenstein, John Harshman, Arthur Hunt, Puck Mendelssohn, and “Rumraket”) who are notorious for their vitriolic attacks against intelligent design proponents at other Darwinist forums like Panda’s Thumb. You just have to skim through the comments in some of the threads to realize that there is not the slightest interest in a mutually respectful, fair, and unbiased discussion of arguments and evidence. Sorry not to be sorry that I have zero tolerance for such behavior and will never waste my time in a forum that exhibits such a low level of intellectual integrity.

Two Blatant Examples

Also, the recent two threads at Peaceful Science about my article abound with uncharitable comments and misrepresentations of the arguments. Here are just two blatant examples:

At the very beginning of the initial posting of the thread at Peaceful Science there is a gross misrepresentation of my argument by commenter Art Hunt. Contrary to his statement, my argument was emphatically not that “should a pair of species diverge and go off on their evolving ways, one would expect to see (inevitably, invariably?) dramatic differences in such species pairs as time passes.” How anybody could read my article and come to this conclusion is beyond me. By the way: In my argument I also do not claim that all recent species pairs that diverged only a few million years ago necessarily must look so similar that they appear indistinguishable to laypeople, even though this is often the case. The crucial point is rather to find different body plans in species that diverged only a few million years ago, which is common in the fossil record but virtually absent among recent species.

Another commenter, named Roy, claimed in the second thread at Peaceful Science that I exaggerated the sudden origin of trilobites within 13 million years and misrepresented the paper by Daley et al. (2018). He triumphantly says:

I’ve checked the reference given for his claim of “the origin of trilobites from worm-like ancestors in less than 13 million years”. Not only does it not mention worm-like anything, but it actually says

“The first arthropod traces (Rusophycus ) appear at approximately 537 Ma, shortly after the start of the Cambrian at approximately 540 Ma. Crown group euarthropods (trilobites) appear at 521 Ma…”

That’s 16my between trilobites and Rusophycus, trace fossils which are definitely not worm-like because they show signs of being made by legs.

Bechly, like most ID and YEC advocates, must be counting on no-one checking his references.

Well, what I do count on is an average reading comprehension. Of course, Rusophycus traces show evidence of legs! That’s the whole point. Contrary to most trace fossils, which are paleontological problematica and cannot be attributed to a specific organism as trace maker, every undergraduate paleontology student learns that Rusophycus traces are the resting traces of trilobites and trilobite-like arthropods. So, by these traces we have evidence for crown group arthropods like trilobites for 537 million years ago. The same paper by Daley et al. (2018) also explicitly acknowledged that 560–550 million years ago there as yet existed no bilaterian animals (and certainly no arthropods). That is because of the clear evidence from so-called BST-localities, which are Ediacaran localities of the Burgess Shale Type that could have preserved even small and soft-bodied animal ancestors. The current mainstream view is that at best, coelenterates (jellies) and enigmatic worm-like animals existed at this Ediacaran time. Even if this were true (I challenged such claims for Ediacaran animals in several article series at Evolution News), it would mean that the arthropod body plan with exoskeleton, articulated legs, mouth parts, compound eyes, central nervous system, and gut system evolved within 13 million years from such assumed jelly- or worm-like ancestors. The 13 million years represent the time span from the Ediacaran BST-localities 550 million years ago to the oldest Rusophycus traces 537 million years ago. Commenter Roy did not understand either my argument or the Daley article (also see Bechly 2018). Unfortunately, such an instance of the Dunning-Kruger effect is all too commonly found among the most vocal critics of intelligent design on the Internet.

Meanwhile, a very active atheist commenter and anti-ID activist, writing under the pseudonym Rumraket, suggested that dog breeds qualify because they look so different (just think of a Pug and an Irish Setter) and originated within a few thousand years. However, there are of course two major problems with this preposterous claim:

  1. The differences in size, shape, and fur of dog breeds are not at all differences in body plan but just simple variations within the same species based on phenotypic plasticity. No organisms with a different body plan would be able to interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
  2. The rapid changes in appearance are based on human breeding, which is a teleologically guided process and thus an example of intelligent design. No comparable variations exist in any wild canine species.
Different dog breeds (Free*SVG, Public Domain)

Commenter Roy suggested that otters and ferrets should meet the challenge because they diverged “just over 10mya.” According to, otters (genus Lutra) and ferrets (genus Mustela) diverged an estimated 17.5 million years ago. And of course, they do not even remotely exhibit anything like different body plans. Commenter Matthew Dickau in the same thread predicts that I will likely reject the examples as not different enough. Yup, that is exactly what I do, because they aren’t. Actually, they are still very similar even though they had more than triple the time available that separates pakicetids and earliest pelagicetid whales. The fact that none of the biologists at Peaceful Science, who definitely should know better than “30-year veteran Roy,” objected to this ludicrous example is very telling indeed.

A More Serious Response

But enough of this. Let’s move on to a more interesting claim that the challenge has been met. Has it? Spoiler alert: no, it hasn’t!

This more serious contender was suggested by botanist Arthur G. Hunt, a professor of plant and soil sciences at the University of Kentucky and one of the most active commenters at Peaceful Science. He mentions the fascinating case of a group of plants called the Hawaiian Silversword Alliance. They comprise 33 species in the three genera ArgyroxiphiumDubautia, and Wilkesia, which are endemic to the Hawaiian Islands (Carr 1985). They form a monophyletic group (clade) within the sunflower family Asteraceae, and are believed to have colonized Hawaii about 5 million years ago with a single pioneer species of tarweed from California that then quickly radiated into differently adapted species (Baldwin et al. 1990Baldwin & Sanderson 1998Barrier et al. 2001Landis 2018). These species exhibit a surprising diversity of phenotypes and, especially in the genus Dubautia, we even find very different growth forms such as cushion plants, mat plants, rosette plants, subshrubs, shrubs, trees, and lianas or vines (Baldwin & Robichaux 1995; Baldwin 1997; Baldwin & Sanderson 1998). Therefore, they are considered one of the most important examples of adaptive radiation in the plant kingdom (Purugganan & Robichaux 2005Blonder et al. 2016). Professor Hunt’s claim is simple and seductive: the Hawaiian Sword Alliance allegedly developed very different body plans within 5 million years and thus perfectly meets my challenge. Does it? Not really, and here is why.

A minor quibble concerns the dating of the radiation, which proved to be tricky in the absence of a fossil record. The current estimates rest on multiple assumptions concerning the phylogenetic relationship, paleoclimate, and paleogeography (Landis et al. 2018), which introduces considerable uncertainty. The fact that other radiations on Hawaii are much older than the estimate for Silverswords (Baldwin & Sanderson 1998), should at least raise some doubts concerning the reliability of this estimate. After all, the Kure Atoll, the oldest island of the archipelago was already formed 29 million years ago. Nevertheless, this issue is of minor importance, and we can grant the current consensus dating of 5.1-5.2 million years (Baldwin & Sanderson 1998Landis et al. 2018) for the sake of the argument.

A more important point is the fact that the differences among the species of Hawaiian Silverswords are all related to different growth forms and allometric shifts of already existing structures. Even though the differences appear superficially striking, they do not involve any novel body plans (i.e., no new proteins, new tissues, or new organs). Therefore, the radiation of Hawaiian Silverswords is not comparable to major body plan transitions such as from “worm” to trilobite, from terrestrial quadruped to marine whale, or from hair-like dino-fuzz to pennaceous feathers, etc. If the different growth forms of Hawaiian Silverswords really represented different body plans, they would not have been classified in the same family and subfamily as their continental tarweed relatives, and, in the case of Dubautia, even within the same genus, at least not prior to the cladistic revolution in the 1970s when typological thinking still prevailed in biological systematics.

A Second Crucial Issue

The second crucial issue is phenotypic plasticity: On the University of Hawaii Botany website about the Hawaiian Silversword Alliance you will find photos of very different pincussion-like and shrub/tree-like growth forms within the same species, Dubautia waialealae. A very similar variability is found in Dubautia laxa, for which “it is unclear if the recognized subspecies represent unique evolutionary entities or if the ecological and morphological diversity within this group is a product of recurrent local adaptation or phenotypic plasticity” (McGlaughlin & Friar 2011). This fact alone totally debunks the claim. If such different growth forms were really comparable to body plan differences bigger than in any mammals, as Art Hunt claims, this would be as if we were to find a quadruped with a normal tail and a marine animal with flippers and fluke as variations within the same species. Of course, such different growth forms are not comparable to different body plans but just represent phenotypic plasticity that is a common phenomenon in the plant kingdom.

It is of course also true that many of the different phenotypes of Hawaiian Silverswords do correlate with taxonomic differences in genus and species (Carr 1985Blonder et al. 2016: 221). However, the very fact that there are species like Dubautia waialealae with very different growth forms shows that the same can be reasonably assumed for the ancestral species prior to the radiation. Such an ancestral species could have colonized the Hawaiian Islands as early as 29 million years ago when the oldest island (Kure) originated but certainly much earlier than 5.2 million years (Baldwin & Sanderson 1998). During the later radiation such ancestral phenotypic plasticity could become partly stabilized and fixed in different species. This scenario is strongly supported by the finding that the Hawaiian Silverswords seem to have originated from a polyploid hybrid (Baldwin & Sanderson 1998Barrier et al. 19992001Purugganan & Robichaux 2005), which is known to increase phenotypic plasticity in plants (Weber & D’Antonio 2000Ainouche & Jenczewski 2010Te Beest et al. 2012Cara et al. 2013).

My judgment that these plants do not have very different body plans, in spite of their often strikingly different growth forms, is also supported by the fact that they still frequently hybridize without sterility (Carr & Kyhos 19811986Carr 19851995Baldwin et al. 1990Baldwin 2006). I can only repeat myself: organisms with different body plans cannot successfully interbreed. It is a common Darwinian dogma that new body plans correlate with significant genetic changes in early development (John & Miklos 1988: 309; Van Valen 1988Thomson 1992: 111; Arthur 1997: 14+21; Kalinka & Tomancak 2012Willmore 2012Meyer 2013), which arguably would prevent any hybridization.

An Avian Example

Since we are talking about Hawaiian island radiations, it may also be worth mentioning the avian example of the honeycreepers, which is yet another example for such radiations of “closely related species [that] are characterized by levels of phenotypic diversity otherwise associated with higher taxa” (Baldwin et al. 1990). The Hawaiian honeycreepers are a group of passerine birds endemic to the Hawaii, of which many are already extinct or critically endangered. They are believed to be most closely related to the Asian rosefinches of the genus Carpodacus and to have colonized the Hawaiian Islands 5.7–7.2 million years ago (Lerner et al. 2011). These beautiful birds have very different plumage and very different beak shapes, from short and thick finch-like beaks to long, thin, and curved beaks. Might these birds meet the challenge? Again, the answers must be no, because changes in color pattern and beak shape are not at all body plan differences. It has been experimentally demonstrated in the famous Galápagos finches (Abzhanov et al. 20042006Lawson & Petren 2017) that very simple genetic switches are responsible for modification of beak shape. Mainly two simple genes, BMP4 and Calmodulin, control all three dimensions of the bird’s beak. The same certainly also applies to the very different beaks of the Hawaiian honeycreepers, as well as to their different colors.

Similar arguments could be made about the radiation of cichlid fish in the East African Lake Malawi, which “constitute the most extensive recent vertebrate adaptive radiation” (Malinsky et al. 2018). Within about 4 million years, this radiation produced quite different-looking animals in terms of size, shape, color, and behavior (Schedel et al. 2019), but again no new body plans. These popular ornamental fish are still very similar genetically and often hybridize (Kuraku & Meyer 2008). Even Young Earth Creationists do not deny that neo-Darwinian mechanisms may quickly change such simple traits and explain fast speciation, and neither do I.

To be clear: The rejection of these examples is neither moving the goalposts nor committing the “no true Scotsman” fallacy. They simply do not meet the condition of different body plans. It should not be too difficult to realize that quantitative modifications and variations in size, shape, color, behavior, or growth form are not the same thing as the de novo origin of totally new organ systems such as the counter-current heat exchange system in whales or the origin of all the organs necessary to make an arthropod from a worm-like ancestor. If Darwinists should find something significantly better than Silverswords or dog breeds, I will happily be the first to recognize a successful response. But of course, even if such a single example were to be found, it would not be sufficient to remove the general problem of a clear pattern of big changes in short time being ubiquitous in the fossil record but not in the present fauna. This pattern is undeniable and requires an explanation. Anyway, my challenge still stands and has not yet been met. Try again and try harder, and next time also try not to misrepresent the argument!


  • Abzhanov A, Protas M, Grant BR, Grant PR, Tabin CJ 2004. Bmp4 and morphological variation of beaks in Darwin’s finches. Science 305(5689), 1462–1465. DOI: 10.1126/science.1098095.
  • Abzhanov A, Kuo WP, Hartmann C, Grant BR, Grant PR, Tabin CJ 2006. The calmodulin pathway and evolution of elongated beak morphology in Darwin’s finches. Nature 442, 563–567. DOI: 10.1038/nature04843.
  • Ainouche ML, Jenczewski E. 2010. Focus on polyploidy. The New Phytologist 186(1), 1–4. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2010.03215.x.
  • Arthur W 1997. The origin of animal body plans. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge (UK).
  • Baldwin BG 1997. Adaptive radiation of the Hawaiian silversword alliance: congruence and conflict of phylogenetic evidence from molecular and non-molecular investigations. pp. 103–128 in: Givnish TJ, Sytsma KJ (eds). Molecular Evolution and Adaptive Radiation. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge (UK), 638 pp.
  • Baldwin BG 2006. Contrasting patterns and processes of evolutionary change in the tarweed-silversword lineage: Revisiting Clausen, Keck, and Hiesey’s findings. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 93(1), 64–93. DOI: 10.3417/0026-6493(2006)93[64:CPAPOE]2.0.CO;2.
  • Baldwin BG, Robichaux RH 1995. Historical biogeography and ecology of the Hawaiian silversword alliance: new molecular phylogenetic perspectives. pp. 259– 287 in: Wagner WL, Funk VA (eds).Hawaiian Biogeography: Evolution on a Hot Spot Archipelago. Smithsonian Institution Press: Washington (DC), 464 pp. DOI: 10.5962/bhl.title.129909.
  • Baldwin BG, Sanderson MJ 1998. Age and rate of diversification of the Hawaiian silversword alliance (Compositae). PNAS 95(16), 9402–9406. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.95.16.9402.
  • Baldwin BG, Kyhos DW, Dvorák J 1990. Chloroplast DNA Evolution and Adaptive Radiation in the Hawaiian Silversword Alliance ( Asteraceae-Madiinae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 77(1), 96–109. JSTOR: 2399629.
  • Barrier M, Baldwin BG, Robichaux RH, Purugganan MD 1999. Interspecific hybrid ancestry of a plant adaptive radiation: Allopolyploidy of the Hawaiian silver- sword alliance (Asteraceae) inferred from floral homeotic gene duplications. Molecular Biology and Evolution 16(8), 1105–1113. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.molbev.a026200.
  • Barrier M, Robichaux RH, Purugganan MD 2001. Accelerated regulatory gene evolution in an adaptive radiation. PNAS 98(18), 10208–10213. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.181257698.
  • Bechly G 2018. Alleged Refutation of the Cambrian Explosion Confirms Abruptness, Vindicates Meyer. Evolution News May 29, 2018.
  • Bechly G 2022. Species Pairs: A New Challenge to Darwinists. Evolution News April 25, 2022.
  • Blonder B, Baldwin BG, Enquist BJ, Robichaux RH 2016. Variation and macroevolution in leaf functional traits in the Hawaiian silversword alliance (Asteraceae). Journal of Ecology 104(1), 219–228. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12497.
  • Cara N, Marfil CF, Masuelli RW. 2013. Epigenetic patterns newly established after interspecific hybridization in natural populations of Solanum. Ecology and Evolution 3(11), 3764–3779. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.758.
  • Carr GD 1985. Monograph of the Hawaiian Madiinae (Asteraceae): ArgyroxiphiumDubautia, and WilkesiaAllertonia 4(1), 1–123. JSTOR: 23186117.
  • Carr GD 1995. A fully fertile intergeneric hybrid derivative from Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. macrocephalum X Dubautia menziesii (Asteraceae) and its relevance to plant evolution in the Hawaiian Islands. American Journal of Botany 82(12), 1574–1581. DOI: 10.1002/j.1537-2197.1995.tb13860.x.
  • Carr GD, Kyhos DW 1981. Adaptive Radiation in the Hawaiian Silversword Alliance (Compositae-Madiinae). I. Cytogenetics of Spontaneous Hybrids. Evolution 35(3), 543–556. DOI: 10.1111/j.1558-5646.1981.tb04916.x.
  • Carr GD, Kyhos DW. 1986. Adaptive Radiation in the Hawaiian Silversword Alliance (Compositae-Madiinae). II. Cytogenetics of Artificial and Natural Hybrids. Evolution 40(5), 959–976. DOI: 10.1111/j.1558-5646.1986.tb00565.x.
  • Clemmons T, Luskin C 2021. An Unpeaceful Peace. Salvo 57.
  • Daley AC, Antcliffe JB, Drage HB, Pates S 2018. Early fossil record of Euarthropoda and the Cambrian Explosion. PNAS 115(21), 5323–5331. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1719962115.
  • John B, Miklos GLG 1988. The Eukaryote Genome in Development and Evolution. Allen & Unwin: London (UK), xviii+416 pp.
  • Kalinka AT, Tomancak P 2012. The evolution of early animal embryos: conservation or divergence?Trends in Ecology & Evolution 27(7), 385–393. DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2012.03.007.
  • Kuraku S, Meyer A 2008. Genomic analysis of cichlid fish ‘natural mutants’. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 18(6), 551–558. DOI: 10.1016/j.gde.2008.11.002.
  • Landis MJ, Freyman WA, Baldwin BG 2018. Retracing the Hawaiian silversword radiation despite phylogenetic, biogeographic, and paleogeographic uncertainty. Evolution 72(11), 2343–2359. DOI: 10.1111/evo.13594.
  • Lawson LP, Petren K 2017. The adaptive genomic landscape of beak morphology in Darwin’s finches. Molecular Ecology 26(19), 4978-4989. DOI: 10.1111/mec.14166.
  • Lerner HRL, Meyer M, James HF, Hofreiter M, Fleischer RC 2011. Multilocus Resolution of Phylogeny and Timescale in the Extant Adaptive Radiation of Hawaiian Honeycreepers. Current Biology 21, 1838–1844. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2011.09.039.
  • Malinsky M, Svardal H, Tyers AM, Miska EA, Genner MJ, Turner GF, Durbin R 2018. Whole-genome sequences of Malawi cichlids reveal multiple radiations interconnected by gene flow. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2, 1940–1955. DOI: 10.1038/s41559-018-0717-x.
  • McGlaughlin ME, Friar EA 2011. Evolutionary diversification and geographical isolation in Dubautia laxa(Asteraceae), a widespread member of the Hawaiian silversword alliance. Annals of Botany 107(3), 357–370. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcq252.
  • Meyer SC 2013. The Origin of Body Plans. Chapter 13, pp. 255–270 in: Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design. HarperOne: New York (NY), 512 pp.
  • Purugganan MD, Robichaux RH 2005. Adaptive Radiation and Regulatory Gene Evolution in the Hawaiian Silversword Alliance (Asteraceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 92(1), 28–35. JSTOR: 3298646.
  • Schedel FDB, Musilova Z, Schliewen UK 2019. East African cichlid lineages (Teleostei: Cichlidae) might be older than their ancient host lakes: new divergence estimates for the east African cichlid radiation. BMC Evolutionary Biology 19:94, 1–25. DOI: 10.1186/s12862-019-1417-0.
  • Te Beest M, Le Roux JJ, Richardson DM, Brysting AK, Suda J, Kubesová M, Pysek P. 2012. The more the better? The role of polyploidy in facilitating plant invasions. Annals of Botany 109(1), 19–45. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcr277.
  • Thomson KS 1992. Macroevolution: The Morphological Problem. American Zoologist 32, 106–112. DOI: 10.1093/icb/32.1.106.
  • Van Valen L 1988. How Do Major Evolutionary Changes Occur? Evolutionary Theory 8(3), 173–176. [PDF]
  • Weber E, D’Antonio CM 2000. Phenotypic plasticity in hybridizing Carpobrotus spp. (Aizoaceae) from coastal California and its role in plant invasion. Canadian Journal of Botany 77(10), 1411–1418. DOI: 10.1139/b99-091.
  • Willmore KE 2012. The Body Plan Concept and Its Centrality in Evo-Devo. Evolution: Education and Outreach 5(S2), 219–230. DOI: 10.1007/s12052-012-0424-z.


Saturday, 30 April 2022

It's complicated. III

China vs. China?

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MAGA: Africa edition?

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Urban nomad.

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Dembski on being an I.D. pioneer.

ID Pioneer William Dembski on His Rocky and Rewarding Journey

Evolution News
On a new episode of ID the Future, intelligent design pioneer William Dembski tells the story of his rocky journey into and out of higher education, the reasons for his sabbatical from the ID movement, his recent success as an entrepreneur, and his return to ID work. Along the way Dembski bats down a mistaken rumor about his sabbatical. The occasion for his conversation with host Casey Luskin is the recent anthology Dembski and Luskin contributed to and helped edit, The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith: Exploring the Ultimate Questions about Life and the Cosmos. Download the podcast or listen to it here.


It's complicated. II

And still yet more primeval tech vs. Darwin.

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David Berlinski is skeptical about the skeptics?

Medved, Berlinski Take on Steven Pinker and Whig History

Evolution News

On a new episode of ID the FutureHuman Nature author and polymath David Berlinski and radio host Michael Medved discuss everything from human depravity, the burning of Notre Dame, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine to the Big Bang and a quixotic century-old pact to ban war. Download the podcast or listen to it here.

Berlinski argues that the case for the death of God and the case for the impending demise of human depravity have been greatly exaggerated. Taking issue with Steven Pinker, Berlinski insists that there is little if any evidence that human evil is being steadily rolled back by the spread of secular values. Further, the idea that science has disproven God flies in the face of trends running in the opposite direction, perhaps most dramatically in the triumph of the Big Bang theory over an eternal universe model. Berlinski, who himself is not religious, insists that optimistic Whig history is bankrupt and that anyone imagining that human depravity and the God hypothesis are things of the past are themselves living in the past.


Wednesday, 27 April 2022

On the myth of engineerless engineering.

Unraveling the Myth that Undesigned Processes Generate Novel Functions

Brian Miller

I was recently informed of a video posted on the YouTube channel Creation Myths titled “Creation Myth: ‘Information’ Requires ‘Intelligence’.” The video specifically references a clip of Stephen Meyer detailing the design implications of the Cambrian Explosion. Meyer states that the information required for the sudden appearance of radically new animals could only have originated from a mind. The critic responds to this claim by arguing that experiments have demonstrated that information can be created by natural processes, and he cites two research studies to support this assertion. His argument ultimately fails since it is founded on a misunderstanding of the evidence for design associated with biological information. This error is so common that it deserves special attention. 

The Research Studies

The first cited article is a 2017 study by Neme et al.  that purportedly demonstrated the creation of new information with ease. The researchers inserted randomly generated sequences of 150 base pairs into the DNA of E. coli. They reported that 25 percent of random sequences enhance cells’ growth rate. The experiment purportedly yielded new information without intelligent direction. 

The second cited article is a 2018 study by Yona et al. that explored the difficulty of randomly generating a 100-base-pair DNA sequence in E. coli that would bind to an RNA polymerase. The study demonstrated that 10 percent of random sequences adjacent to the genes in a lac operon would bind to the polymerase in such a way as to initiate transcription. This study also purportedly demonstrates that information can be created by a random process.

The Misunderstanding 

Upon close inspection, both studies fail to challenge the design argument that is based on biological information. Neme et al. misinterpreted their results, as Weisman and Eddy explain in their critical review of the study. Douglas Axe summarizes the experimenters’ error as follows:

They merely showed that if you burden bacteria by forcing them to churn out RNA and protein from random inserts, it’s fairly easy to find sequence-dependent effects on growth — not because anything clever has been invented, but because the burden of making so much junk varies slightly with the kind of junk. That means any junk that slows the process of making more junk by gumming up the works a bit would provide a selective benefit. Such sequences are “good” only in this highly artificial context, much as shoving a stick into an electric fan is “good” if you need to stop the blades in a hurry.

In short, the sequences performed no new function, so no new information was created. 

The Yona et al. experiment did show that a DNA sequence can be randomly generated that can perform simple functions, such as binding to a polymerase. Yet this achievement is not relevant to Stephen Meyer’s full argument. Meyer is not claiming that random processes cannot generate small quantities of information. He is arguing that random processes cannot generate the quantity of information required for anything comparable to creating a new protein with a novel structure. Axe and others have decisively demonstrated that the information associated with even modest proteins is typically greater than what could be produced by any undirected process (hereherehere).

The Challenge for Evolution

The central challenge for evolutionary theory is creating sufficient information to produce something truly novel that functions at a level that would benefit an organism. In the case of the lac operon, the specificity required for it to function is not the difficulty of an RNA polymerase binding to the promoter region. The specificity and thus the information reside in the sequences that encode the repressor that acts as an on/off switch and the genes that encode the proteins that break down lactose. The minimal required information for the operon to function is vastly greater than that associated with the region that binds to a polymerase. The amount is almost certainly beyond what any undirected process could produce.


On the History of life's Barrage against Darwinism

Bechly: “Life’s Second ‘Big Bang'”

Evolution News
German paleontologist Günter Bechly is co-author (with Stephen Meyer) of the chapter titled “The Fossil Record and Universal Common Ancestry” in the book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique. On a classic episode of ID the Future with host Sarah Chaffee, he moves on from the Cambrian explosion (see here) to discuss “life’s second ‘big bang.’” He then touches on other biological explosions, including the Avalon explosion, the Triassic explosion, the origin of flowering plants, and the origin of placental mammals. “There’s no reasonable way,” Bechly concludes, “to get from bacteria to mammals via evolutionary processes.” Download the podcast or listen to it here.


Darwinism in time trouble?

Species Pairs: A New Challenge to Darwinists 

Günter Bechly

In the many years of vehement debate between proponents of unguided evolution and intelligent design, it sometimes may look like all has already been said and there are no new arguments on either side. However, this is not the case at all. Intelligent design theory has greatly developed since its early beginnings and many new arguments have been added in support of the design inference. Here, I want to introduce another new argument and formulate a challenge to my Darwinist colleagues. This challenge is by no means rhetorical and could be easily met with simple research in publicly available data bases. Here it is.

As I have laid out in various publications (e.g., Bechly & Meyer 2017) and lectures, the fossil record demonstrates that the history of life was not a series of gradual transformations by an accumulation of small changes over long periods of time. Instead of conforming to this gradualist prediction of Darwin’s theory of evolution, the fossil record consistently documents a series of saltational transitions with abrupt appearances of new body plans within very short windows of time. This implies a fatal problem for Darwinism called the waiting time problem, because population genetic calculations and simulations show that the windows of time established by the fossil record are orders of magnitude too short to accommodate the required genetic changes for these body plan transformations.

Some examples of abrupt body plan transitions are the origin of photosynthesis; the origin of eukaryotes; the origin of the Ediacaran biota (Avalon Explosion) and Cambrian animal phyla (Cambrian Explosion) such as the origin of trilobites from worm-like ancestors in less than 13 million years (Daley et al. 2018Bechly 2018); the origin of efficient eyes in arthropods, cephalopods, and vertebrates; the terrestrialization of plants (embryophytes), arthropods (tracheae), and vertebrates (tetrapod limbs); the origin of wings in insects, pterosaurs, bats, and birds (including the origin of pennaceous feathers from filamentous precursors); the origin of secondarily marine vertebrates such as ichthyosaurs, mosasaurs, manatees, and whales; the origin of echolocation in bats and whales; the origin of complex new reproductive systems (angiosperm flowers, dragonfly secondary copulatory apparatus, holometabolic insect metamorphosis, amniote egg, and eutherian placenta); the origin of distinct new body plans in vertebrates (e.g., snakes, turtles, bats, and whales); and even the origin of our own genus Homo and of a globular braincase correlated with the “Creative Explosion” of symbolic thinking within Homo sapiens.

The Lifespan of a Single Species

An additional fact that underscores the waiting time problem in cases like whale origins (see this Long Story Short 2020 video) is the average longevity of larger mammal species and especially artiodactyls at only 4.1-4.39 million years (Prothero 2014). Whales are thought to be nested in and derived from artiodactyl ungulates. The fossil record shows that the transition from quadrupedal whale ancestors similar to Raoellidae (such as Indohyus) and Pakicetidae to fully marine pelagicete whales like Basilosauridae happened in just 4.5 million years. This implies that the body plan transition from a pig-like animal to a dolphin-like animal happened within the lifespan of a single species. Of course, this does not exclude the possibility of several successive speciation events within this time period, but it is still a fact that illustrates the biological abruptness of this major anatomical re-engineering.

Finally, there is also another related problem that has been hitherto largely overlooked: The morphological similarity of modern species pairs, which have diverged in a similar time frame, poses a severe problem. That is because it implies that the macroevolutionary processes that allegedly were at work and common during all periods of Earth history and in all groups of organisms, apparently were totally absent in the origins of all of the millions of living species. To explore this issue, I surveyed (Hedges & Kumar 2009Hedges et al. 20062015Kumar et al. 2017), which is a databank of 97,085 living species of different groups of organisms, with molecular clock estimates of their time of divergence based on 3,998 studies. When probing any pairs of species, even those with longer divergence times than available for the development of the body plan differences between pakicetids and basilosaurids, we find without exception that their morphologies are hardly distinguishable for laymen and they often still can hybridize.

So Much for the Theoretical Prelude

Now let’s look at some more-or-less random examples from TimeTree to see what I mean.

Firs (Abies spec.) and cedars (Cedrus spec.) belong to the same subfamily of conifer trees but separated already 141 million years ago. That is more than 30 times the time available for the origin of marine whales, but there is hardly any difference in body plan. Of course, this might just be a case of evolutionary stasis as in living fossils, but the next examples will make you think again.

The common house fly (Musca domestica) and the small house fly (Fannia scalaris) diverged about 48 million years ago. For laymen they look basically indistinguishable. Hmmm, that’s strange, but could still be a fluke.

My favorite animals are dragonflies and damselflies. The northern damselfly (Coenagrion hastulatum) and the azure damselfly (Coenagrion puella) diverged 11.8 million years ago. Even as an expert on these insects, I have to resort to a determination key to distinguish them. Can you?

What about amphibians? The European common frog (Rana temporaria) and moor frog (Rana arvalis) diverged 21.4 million years ago. They look almost identical. Do we start to see a pattern?

“Reptiles” show the same pattern. The Galapagos land iguanas (Conolophus spec.) and marine iguanas (Amblyrhynchus spec.) diverged 18.2 million years ago. The marine iguanas can excrete salt from a gland at their nostrils and have a more flattened tail, but otherwise still look very much like their cousins.

Avian Examples

Birds rank among the best studied groups in terms of speciation. The green warbler (Phylloscopus nitidus) and Bonelli’s warbler (P. bonelli) diverged 15.2 million years ago (but at least 4-7 million years according to Helbig et al. 1995). They look identical and may still be able to hybridize.

Here is another avian example to show this is a common pattern among recent bird species. The house sparrow (Passer domesticus) and tree sparrow (Passer montanus) diverged 10.2 million years ago. They have some minor differences in color pattern but indeed hybridize even in the wild. Still thinking evolution can achieve miracles in a few million years? Where the heck is the evidence?

Well, let’s move on to mammals. The common house mouse (Mus musculus) and house rat (Rattus rattus) diverged 20.9 million years ago (at least 12 million years according to Kimura et al. 2015). Apart from the size difference they look very much alike.

Did you ever taste beefalo steak? Beefalos are hybrids between European bison (Bison bonasus) and cattle (Bos taurus) that diverged 4.88 million years ago, which is about the same time frame as in the whale example. Some archaic breeds of cattle like the Scots highland cattle look even more similar to the bison and the aurochs.

Horse (Equus caballus) and ass (Equus asinus) diverged 7.7 million years ago and can still hybridize as mules. Their wild ancestors looked even more similar than most of their modern domesticated breeds.

Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) and African elephants (Loxodonta africana) diverged 25.9 million years ago (at least 7.6 million years according to Rohland et al. 2007), and they mainly differ in the tip of the trunk, ear size, and shape of their withers. Even the two almost identical African species of the savannah elephant (Loxodonta africana) and the forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis) diverged 7.6 million years ago (at least 4 million years according to Rohland et al. 2007). Not really a new body plan.

The South American spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) and Asian black bear (Ursus / Selenarctos thibetanus) diverged 16.5 million years ago. They look very similar and can hybridize in captivity (Mondolfi & Boede 1981).

River otter (Lutra lutra) and brown fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus) diverged about 40 million years ago. They indeed look quite different, but still a far cry from the difference between pakicetids and basilosaurids in a tenth of the time. This example is interesting because some experts thought that otters represent the closest related group to pinnipeds, or at least assumed stem pinnipeds like the Miocene Puijila darwini were very similar to otters. Therefore, this case seems to be a pretty good analogue to the early amphibious stem whales, which made a much bigger transition in terms of body plan in just a few million years.

The Sister Group of Whales 

In modern phylogenetic reconstructions hippos are consistently recovered as the sister group of whales. So, we might expect to find a comparable evolutionary disparity within this group. However, even though the river hippo (Hippopotamus amphibius) and pygmy hippo (Choeropsis liberiensis) diverged 9.6. million years ago, they share the same body plan and only differ somewhat in size and proportions. Still not convinced?

Now, let’s have a look at modern cetaceans. Maybe they are different? The common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) and the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) diverged 3.99 million years ago. This represents about the timeframe available between pakicetids and basilosaurids and shows what blind evolution at best can achieve with whales in this time: only very minor differences!

Finally, what about great apes and humans. Chimp (Pan paniscus) and gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) diverged according to TimeTree 9.06 million years ago and humans (Homo sapiens) from chimps 6.7 million years, which agrees with the hominin fossil record. There are two possibilities: Either you follow those scientists who consider the biological difference between humans and chimps as marginal. Then this example would just confirm the pattern described above. Or, you consider humans as very different from chimps, based on their different bipedal locomotion and especially their mental capacity and cultural achievements. In the latter case humans would represent the only exception to the pattern that I could find, which would be a remarkable confirmation of Judeo-Christian human exceptionalism.

Two Indisputable Facts

These examples could be expanded endlessly but should be sufficient to establish the point. There are clearly limits to what unguided evolution can do within a few million years, and these limits are far below the level of any major body plan transitions. Thus, we can safely conclude that there are two indisputable facts that require an adequate explanation:

1.) There are many examples of fossil species pairs with very different body plans that diverged within a window of time of 5 (±5) million years. This is even more remarkable if we consider that there are only about 350,000 described fossil species (extrapolated based on data in Teichert 1956Valentine 1970Raup 1976, and Alroy 2002), which represent only a tiny fraction of the estimated 5-50 billion species that have ever lived on Earth (Raup 1991).

2.) There exist no living species pairs with even remotely similar differences in body plan that are dated to have diverged in a similar time frame. This is even more remarkable if we consider that there are an estimated 8.7 million living species (Mora et al. 2011Strain 2011Sweetlove 2011), of which more than 2 million are described (IISE 2012). Previous estimates of the total number of living species varied from 3-100 million species (May 1988Tangley 1997Chapman 2009), but if microbes are included, it could even be up to a trillion living species (Locey & Lennon 2016Latty & Lee 2019).

Considering the fact that windows of time of only 5-10 million years account for most of the abrupt appearances of new body plans in the fossil record (Bechly & Meyer 2017Bechly 2021), the Bayesian likelihood of not finding a single example of similar morphological disparity having originated on a similar time frame among the millions of living species is basically close to zero. I consider this simple argument as a final nail in the coffin of Darwinian unguided evolution.

A Public Challenge

Having made my case, I here formally and publicly pose the challenge again to prove me wrong. My dear Darwinist friends and colleagues, please find in the vast database of 97,000 species at just a single example of any pair of different species that have diverged about 5 million years ago (give or take a few million years) according to a consensus of multiple molecular clock studies, and that exhibit a morphological disparity in their body plans comparable to, say, Pakicetus and Basilosaurus. To be clear, of course no evolutionist ever claimed that Pakicetus was the actual ancestor of Basilosaurus. It rather represented a side branch of the cetacean stem group. But what evolutionists definitely do imply is that the stem species was roughly similar in body plan to Raoellidae and Pakicetidae. Therefore, this challenge is absolutely valid and reasonable.

An obvious possible objection by Darwinists might be that recent species pairs do not represent ancestor-descendent lineages but just cousin lineages that both diverged from a common ancestor. Yes, I get it. However, this also applies for most fossil examples, and there is a catch: While differences in ancestor-descendent lineages could only accumulate in a single evolving lineage, recent lineages could both evolve differences during the same time in each lineage and thus should rather present more and not less morphological disparity. Therefore, this point makes the problem even worse for Darwinists.

Maybe evolutionists will appeal to yet unknown non-Darwinian processes. However, the great advantage of this new argument is that it is totally independent of the nature of the transformation process. You could simply consider that process as a black box. Therefore, it is totally irrelevant if Darwinists invent some new possible mechanism. The crucial point is not the process, but the resulting pattern of new body plans consistently having come into being abruptly in the distant past, but not in the more recent past.       

No Conceivable Reason

There is no conceivable reason why a disparity like that between Pakicetus and Basilosaurus should be limited to the fossil record, where it can be found in numerous examples among all groups of organisms, while being totally absent among the millions of recent species. So, let’s be generous and not restrict the challenge to the TimeTree database. Just find any pair of species among the millions of living species to meet the challenge. Only one! Come on, if unguided evolution really can do its magic, this should not be too difficult, should it? Well, I won’t hold my breath, but if the challenge cannot be met, Darwinists should be asked to explain why.

Here is my explanation. Darwinism is wrong, and this applies not only to the neo-Darwinian process of random mutation and natural selection but to any unguided evolutionary processes including those suggested by proponents of the so-called Extended Synthesis (e.g., Shapiro et al. 2014Laland et al. 20142015Garte 2016Müller 20162017). 

There is no evolutionary reason why the creative power of this process should have been active over all of Earth history but then ceased to function within the past 10 million years. Intelligent design proponents can easily explain this pattern: there was creative intelligent intervention in the history of life, but this creative activity deliberately ceased with the arrival of humans as the final telos. Any further explanation would have to transgress the methodological limits of the design inference, but Judeo-Christian theists will certainly recognize an eerie correspondence with the Biblical message, which says that God rested from his creative activity after the creation of humans (Genesis 2:2-3).


  • Alroy J 2002. How many named species are valid? PNAS 99(6), 3706–3711. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.062691099.
  • Bechly G 2018. Alleged Refutation of the Cambrian Explosion Confirms Abruptness, Vindicates Meyer.Evolution News May 29, 2018.
  • Bechly G 2021. Chapter 31: Does the Fossil Record Demonstrate Darwinian Evolution? Pp 345–356 in: Dembski WA, Luskin C, Holden JM (eds). The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith. Eugene (OR): Harvest House.
  • Bechly G, Meyer SC 2017. Chapter 10. The Fossil Record and Universal Common Ancestry. Pp 331–361 in: Moreland JP, Meyer SC, Shaw C, Gauger AK, Grudem W (eds). Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique. Wheaton (IL): Crossway.
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  • Daley AC, Antcliffe JB, Drage HB, Pates S 2018. Early fossil record of Euarthropoda and the Cambrian Explosion. PNAS 115(21), 5323–5331. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1719962115.
  • Garte S 2016. New Ideas in Evolutionary Biology: From NDMS to EES. Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 68, 3–11. [PDF]
  • Hedges SB, Kumar S (eds.) 2009. The Timetree of Life. New York (NY): Oxford University Press. 
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  • Hedges SB, Marin J, Suleski M, Paymer M, Kumar S 2015. Tree of Life Reveals Clock-Like Speciation and Diversification. Molecular Biology and Evolution 32, 835–845. DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msv037.
  • Helbig AJ, Seibold I, Martens J, Wink M 1995. Genetic Differentiation and Phylogenetic Relationships of Bonelli’s Warbler Phylloscopus bonelli and Green Warbler P. nitidusJournal of Avian Biology 26(2), 139–153. DOI: 10.2307/3677063.
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  • Kumar S, Stecher G, Suleski M, Hedges SB 2017. TimeTree: A Resource for Timelines, Timetrees, and Divergence Times. Molecular Biology and Evolution 34, 1812–1819. DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msx116.
  • Laland KN, Uller T, Feldman MW, Sterelny K, Müller GM, Moczek A, Jablonka E, Odling-Smee J, Wray GA, Hoekstra HE, Futuyma DJ, Lenski RE, Mackay TFC, Schluter D, Strassmann JE 2014. Does evolutionary theory need a rethink? Nature 514, 162–164. DOI: 10.1038/514161a.
  • Laland KN, Uller T, Feldman MW, Sterelny K, Müller GM, Moczek A, Jablonka E, Odling-Smee J 2015. The extended evolutionary synthesis: its structure, assumptions and predictions. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282:20151019, 1–14. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2015.1019.
  • Latty T, Lee T 2019. How many species on Earth? Why that’s a simple question but hard to answer. The Conversation April 28, 2019.
  • Locey KJ, Lennon JT 2016. Scaling laws predict global microbial diversity. PNAS 113(21), 5970–5975. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1521291113.
  • Long Story Short 2020. Ep. 2 Whale Evolution: Good Evidence for Darwin? Discovery Science YouTube channel 24.04.2020.
  • May RM 1988. How many species are there on earth? Science 241(4872), 1441–1449. DOI: 10.1126/science.241.4872.1441.
  • Mondolfi E, Boede EO 1981. A hybrid of a spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) and an Asiatic black bear (Selenarctos thibetanus) born at the Maracay Zoological Park, Venezuela. Memoria de la Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales La Salle 41(115), 143–148. [ResearchGate]
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  • Müller G 2016. The extended evolutionary synthesis. Talk presented at the scientific meeting New Trends in Evolutionary Biology at The Royal Society, November 7-9, 2016, London.
  • Müller G 2017. Why an extended evolutionary synthesis is necessary. Interface Focus 7:20170015, 1–11. DOI: 10.1098/rsfs.2017.0015.
  • Prothero DR 2014. Species Longevity in North American Fossil Mammals. Integrative Zoology 9, 383–393. DOI: 10.1111/1749-4877.12054.
  • Raup DM 1976. Species diversity in the Phanerozoic: a tabulation. Paleobiology 2(4), 279–288. DOI: 10.1017/s0094837300004917.
  • Raup DM 1991. Extinction: Bad Genes or Bad Luck? New York (NY): W.W. Norton. [also see New Scientist 13 September 1991]
  • Rohland N, Malaspinas A-S, Pollack J, Slatkin M, Matheus P, Hofreiter M 2007. Proboscidean Mitogenomics: Chronology and Mode of Elephant Evolution Using Mastodon as Outgroup. PLOS Biology 5(8): e207, 1663–1671. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0050207.
  • Shapiro JA, Noble D, Pookottil R 2014. The Third Way of Evolution. Website:
  • Strain D 2011. 8.7 Million: A New Estimate for All The Complex Species on Earth. Science 333, 1083. DOI: 10.1126/science.333.6046.1083.
  • Sweetlove L 2011. Number of species on Earth tagged at 8.7 million. Nature 23 August 2011. DOI: 10.1038/news.2011.498.
  • Tangley L 1997. How many species are there? US News & World Report 8/10/97
  • Teichert C 1956. How Many Fossil Species? Journal of Paleontology 30(4), 967–969. JSTOR: 1300432.
  • Valentine JW 1970. How Many Marine Invertebrate Fossil Species? A New Approximation. Journal of Paleontology 44(3), 410–415. JSTOR: 1302578.


The agrora unbound?

Hail the Lord JEHOVAH: the great king!

◄ Psalm 83 ►
American Standard Version
God, Don't Keep Silent

1O God, keep not thou silence: Hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God.

2For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult; And they that hate thee have lifted up the head.

3Thy take crafty counsel against thy people, And consult together against thy hidden ones.

4They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; That the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.

5For they have consulted together with one consent; Against thee do they make a covenant:

6The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites; Moab, and the Hagarenes;

7Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre:

8Assyria also is joined with them; They have helped the children of Lot. Selah

9Do thou unto them as unto Midian, As to Sisera, as to Jabin, at the river Kishon;

10Who perished at Endor, Who became as dung for the earth.

11Make their nobles like Oreb and Zeeb; Yea, all their princes like Zebah and Zalmunna;

12Who said, Let us take to ourselves in possession The habitations of God.

13O my God, make them like the whirling dust; As stubble before the wind.

14As the fire that burneth the forest, And as the flame that setteth the mountains on fire,

15So pursue them with thy tempest, And terrify them with thy storm.

16Fill their faces with confusion, That they may seek thy name, O JEHOVAH.

17Let them be put to shame and dismayed for ever; Yea, let them be confounded and perish;

18That they may know that thou alone, whose name is JEHOVAH, Art the Most High over all the earth. 



◄ Psalm 8 ►
American Standard Version

1O JEHOVAH, our Lord, How excellent is thy name in all the earth, Who hast set thy glory upon the heavens!

2Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou established strength, Because of thine adversaries, That thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger.

3When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, The moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;

4What is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visitest him?

5For thou hast made him but little lower than God, And crownest him with glory and honor.

6Thou makest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; Thou hast put all things under his feet:

7All sheep and oxen, Yea, and the beasts of the field,

8The birds of the heavens, and the fish of the sea, Whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas.

9O JEHOVAH, our Lord, How excellent is thy name in all the earth!