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Thursday, 9 May 2024

ID is a science driver

Peer-Reviewed Paper Applies Systems Engineering to Bacterial Chemotaxis

Ihave never encountered a hostile critic of intelligent design who honestly attempted to understand the design arguments and the underlying science. In most cases, naysayers simply repeat the misinformation they were fed. One of the most common false claims is that the design framework does not lead to productive research. This assertion can be thoroughly discredited simply by reading the recently updated “Bibliography of Peer-Reviewed and Peer-Edited Scientific Publications Supporting the Theory of Intelligent Design” and the new homepage for the “ID 3.0 Research Program” that David Klinghoffer summarized in a recent article. 

Here, I will highlight the first article listed in the bibliography titled “Bacterial chemotaxis control process analysis with SysML,” which was authored by James Johansen and published in the journal Systems Engineering. Johannsen is a design-friendly professor of engineering at Biola University specializing in applying engineering principles and tools to biological research. His article demonstrates how applying the systems engineering modeling tool SysML to bacterial chemotaxis (i.e., navigation) yields valuable insights into its global design logic. The article further demonstrates how only a design-based framework yields significant insight into the higher-level organization of biological systems.
Application of SysML

SysML consists of nine diagrams that map a system’s structure, behavior, requirements, and parameters. Each diagram highlights a different facet of a complex system. Together they generate insights into a system’s design logic and operations. 

Johansen incorporated SysML into a methodology he developed to reverse engineer biological systems, which he called Reverse-Engineering Object-Oriented Systems Engineering Method (RE-OOSEM). The methodology includes six elements

(1) Survey academic articles and textbook sources … (2) Capture the descriptive information … (3) Convert the descriptive information summary into prescriptive engineering information for architecture capture. … (4) Generate a high-level functional architecture that maps the prescriptive information to function. … (5) Capture the system architectural details into as many SysML diagrams as necessary … (6) Evaluate the system architecture and fuse information from various SysML diagrams.

Johansen’s application of RE-OOSEM to chemotaxis yielded several insights:

The results show the following engineering perspective observations. (1) Several control components are not dedicated but are available and utilized when needed. (2) Individual chemoreceptors act together as a sensor array. (3) Phosphate groups act as a signaling mechanism. (4) Methylation via CH 3 groups of the chemoreceptor results in sensitivity adaptation. (5) Closed-loop control collaboratively utilizes ligand bonding, phosphorylation, and methylation. (6) Timing relationships of the control subprocesses give insight into the system’s architecture.

Future Research

Johansen describes how future research could compare RE-OOSEM analyses of chemotaxis in diverse species to extract the engineering principles behind the differences between them. It could also incorporate additional mathematical modeling and simulations to “bring further realism to how the chemotaxis process operates and why.” Johansen’s methodology will prove a valuable tool for future research into other systems. It also illustrates the superiority of a design framework over evolution since systems engineering modeling tools only apply to those systems based on a high-level, coherent organizational pattern generated by a mind

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