Every single time atheists have had the floor to themselves re:governance the result has been a mass murdering thugocracy. While the premise of atheism is irrational the social darwinism that the atheistic regimes of the 20th century have espoused is a perfectly rational conclusion given that premise as starting point.
In the atheistic universe there would be no reason to hope for anything else but the pitiless struggle between bloodlines for supremacy . Even among social animals suppression/culling of bloodlines that were a demonstrable liability to the herd would be rational. The preservation/promotion of bloodlines that were a proven asset to the herd would also be rational. Casting the matter in moral or ethical terms would be nothing but uninformed sentimentality.
Rather than looking to the sky and taking the altruistic generosity of a benevolent Father as an example . We should look to the Brute beast, after all their pitiless struggle for supremacy is the true source of our bounty.
We see no hang ups re: morality there. If a stronger herd must violently displace a weaker one to advance its aims so be it and neither the displacer nor the displaced thinks of the matter in moral terms, it is simply the way things are and there is no particular way things ought to be.
Even this arbitrary assignment of some special status to life itself would be an atavism from religion/superstition. There is only physics life/consciousness is an illusion, a very flattering illusion, hence its persistence, but really when one thinks of it there is no meaningful difference between living and nonliving matter and neither exists for any objective purpose.
All perfectly rational conclusions given atheism as a premise. Hence the irrational atheist would be an atheistic society's only hope.
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