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Saturday, 17 September 2022

Against the 'hypostatic union'

While the doctrine of the trinity remains comfortably settled atop the heap of brain eating nonsense to which one must subscribe if one wishes to be considered Christian by Christendom's gate keepers, the dogma of the hypostatic union would be a close second ,and lest I be accused of misrepresentation etc., here is the definition of the doctrine from our friends at Zondervan in their own words: Hypostatic union is how Christians explain the relationship between Jesus’ divine nature, his human nature, and his being. It means that Jesus is both fully God and fully man. Jesus has all of the characteristics that are true of a person, and all of the characteristics that are true of a divine being. Both natures fully exist in one person. 

It's interesting that Zondervan in their definition refer to Jesus as a divine being and speak as though his being a divine being and a person is some how remarkable or necessarily implies that his kenosis left him with a superhuman nature which was inscrutably included in his fully human nature. What about his God and Father is he not also a person does that mean that he also shared in the hypostatic union. And if Jesus' is a divine being in his own right. Does that mean that the trinity is in fact constituted of three Gods 

According to webster's a God is :

God : a being or object that is worshipped as having more than natural attributes and powers. 

Another definition of God is the supreme being. Is Jesus in fact the supreme being ,and if so how could it also be true of the supreme being that: Hebrews2:9KJV"But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels..." only a creature could be lower than angels or be subject to death.

This is how we know that Christendom's doctrines are nonsense ,they require the ignoring of the obvious meaning of words. If one is supreme one can have no peers and most definitely no superiors. 

They also require the most cringe inducing mental gymnastic re:clear scriptures e.g:

Numbers23:19KJV"19God is not(NEVER) a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent..." 

Hosea11:9KJV"I will not execute the fierceness of mine anger, I will not return to destroy Ephraim: for I am(EVER) God, and not(NEVER) man..."  

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