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Monday, 13 September 2021

How is Jesus Christ the firstborn of creation?

 Colossians1:15 NASB "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. "

Clearly this scripture is indicating that Christ is the first of Jehovah's creatures.No? Our dear friends in Christendom insists that we are misinterpreting the verse.Once again I am forced to point out their failure to be consistent with their interpretive logic.
 If someone could point to a single scripture where the firstborn (prototokos) of a set is not a member of that set I would at least have some grounds to reassess what seems like more special pleading from Christendom's apologists but thus far in my innumerable discussions on the subject all I get is a lot of hand-waving and irrelevant referrences to scriptures like 89:27 .David is of course a member of the set of anointed kings and in point of fact literally the first Judean king i.e the first of the line of kings leading to Jehovah's greatest messiah.
  So whether the first born is first in rank or first in number in the Holy scripture he is ALWAYS the first of the set.As tends to be the case they generally have no problem applying sound interpretive logic when no cherished preconceptions are on the line,e.g Revelation1:5 NASB "and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead,..." few would argue that this must mean that Jesus was never resurrected,even though jesus is the one through whom Jehovah resurrects the rest of the dead see 1Corinthians 15:21. So once again our interpretive logic is consistent ,that of our would be instructors not so much. 


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