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Tuesday 7 April 2015

On seeking clarity in the design debate II.

I've noticed certain recurring approaches by Darwinists in their attempts to cloud the issues re:the design debate what follows is a lists of 5 such approaches along with my reasons for calling fudge in each instance.
  1)Downplaying the relevance of abiogenesis to the design debate.I call fudge because obviously if one is arguing that Darwinian evolution is the sole cause of the design/the appearance of design in biology any design/appearance of design in the pre-evolutionary proto-life constitutes a serious indeed potentially fatal difficulty.The autotrophic unicellular lifeforms that were present at the very beginning of the history of life have continued with us down to the present essentially unchanged,while numerous multicellular species have long passed off the scene.We can thus conclude that not only was the proto-life designed but it was as at least as well designed as any succeeding life.This utter failure to arrive at the simple beginning upon which their argument depends and flippant waving away of sophisticated pre-evolutionary design might play well to the gallery but well read neutrals rightly insists on an actual response.
 2)Treating as self-evident the extrapolation from micro-evolution to macro evolution.I call fudge because Darwinian apologists are appealing to processes that mainly produce a loss/suppression of biological information to explain the massive increase in biological information that has occurred over the course of the history of life,also this particular extrapolation is not based on any observations either in the present or in the fossil record Darwin himself admitted as much.More recently astronomer Carl Sagan(that champion of creationism) stated in his book 'Broca's brain' that the fossil record seems  consistent with a special creation.Thus it seems fair to insists that when Darwinists use the term evolution they specify whether they're referring to micro-evolution(which has never been controversial) or macro-evolution which has quite a bit of controversy(even among its advocates)to deal with.
  3)The insistence of Darwinists in portraying the design debate as a clash between religion/philosophy and science/modernity.I call fudge at this gross oversimplification.Evolutionary ideas were being discussed among western and eastern philosophers from antiquity,The notion of theistic evolutionism is therefore nothing new and not so much a retreat in the face of onslaught of secular Darwinists as a restoring of evolutionism to its roots.Also many who are expressing scepticism at Darwinian macro-evolution are secular in outlook (some are concerned by what they see as a corruption of science by politics.)and are primarily concerned by the kind of slipshod scholarship and philosophy that is being passed off as science.
  4)Portraying any expression of scepticism about Darwinism as creationism or any Darwin sceptic as a creationist.Fudge again the obvious implication is that there are no truly scientific objections to  Darwinism.Why then are Darwinists so busily striving to keep scientific objections to certain aspects of the their theory(many of which have been raised by evolutionists themselves)from being aired or discussed in public.Have Darwinists ever considered that their habit of treating the public like children might be triggering more scepticism about their position among those they're seeking to win over.
 5)Claiming that majority of educated people subscribe to Darwinism.Fudge,even if we grant that this proposition is true would it be the first time that the intelligentsia subscribed en masse to some kind of pseudo-scientific hokum we can think of alchemy,astrology,geo-centrism,more recently eugenics.Truth has never been determined by popular vote and there have been numerous periods in human history where the intelligentsia (and indeed the masses) have been deluded by subsequently discredited ideas.Many are convinced ,for various reasons,that we are now witnessing something similar with Darwinism. 

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