the bible,truth,God's kingdom,Jehovah God,New World,Jehovah's Witnesses,God's church,Christianity,apologetics,spirituality.
Thursday, 6 March 2025
The role of the logos in creation.
Revelation4:11NWTstudy edition"“You are worthy, JEHOVAH* our God, to receive the glory+ and the honor+ and the power,+ because you created all things,+ and because of your will they came into existence and were created.”"
Acts17:24 KJV"God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;"
The Lord JEHOVAH is the ultimate source of all the wisdom and power manifest in creation both physical and super-physical ,and thus is rightful ruler of all that he has created and sustains. But the scriptures clearly show that JEHOVAH uses prior creations as instruments and/ raw materials in producing later creations.
Acts17:26KJV"And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;"
Note please that JEHOVAH rightly takes credit for our existence and all that is necessary for its continuance and flourishing despite there being intermediate causes between himself and us.
Note also that these intermediate causes are all themselves part of his creation. Of course there can't be an infinite regression of such Intermediaries, thus there must be a proto creation, one produced without any intermediate creation serving as instrument. And who can then go on to become the first link in the chain of intermediate causes than led up to us and this world we call home.
Proverbs8:22 BibLE"“Jehovah framed me first in line,
foremost of his works in the past."
Proverbs8:30BibLE"I was master-workman at his side
And was taking my pleasure day by day,
playing before him at every time,"
It is to this scripture that scriptures like :
Colossians1:15-17KJV"Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:
16 For by(Grk en) him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist."
John1:3KJV"All things were made by(Grk.dia) him; and without him was not any thing made that was made."
Refer ,according to Strong's the prepositions en and dia(from which we get the word diameter) denote instrumentality e.g
John1:17KJV"For the law was given by(dia) Moses,..."
Hebrews1:1KJV"God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by(en) the prophets,"
Hence such terms are NEVER used to describe JEHOVAH'S role in the origin of the creation. He is the ultimate source of ALL the energy and information found in his creation. And thus it is to him and not any instrumentality he may choose to employ ,that full credit should be given.
1Corinthians8:6KJV"But to us there is but one God, the Father, of(ex) whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by(dia) whom are all things, and we by him."
Wednesday, 5 March 2025
On the myth of the gay gene.
No ‘gay gene’: Massive study homes in on genetic basis of human sexuality
Tuesday, 4 March 2025
A little science tends to lead us away from design but a lot of science tends to lead us right back?
As Science Observes, Talk of Evolution Fades
Thank Darwinism for free will?
Did Evolution Give Us Free Will?
Still no little green men?
Hope for Mars Life Is Dashed Again
Sunday, 2 March 2025
Saturday, 1 March 2025
Friday, 28 February 2025
Beyond the mechanistic?
Biologist Michael Levin: A Farewell to Physicalism
On the evolution of the design debate.
Michael Kent: “12 Discoveries That Have Changed the Debate about Design”
Thursday, 27 February 2025
Tuesday, 25 February 2025
Monday, 24 February 2025
Sunday, 23 February 2025
A message from deep time?
Mammoth Bone Structure of 24,000 Years Ago Illuminates Stone Age
Saturday, 22 February 2025
1914 a marked year?
One of the main evidences of biblical inspiration is the prophetic nature of JEHOVAH'S Word. Indeed the Holy Bible does not only recount the uttering but the fulfillment of numerous prophecies these for a tapestry of a harmonious narrative that is itself prophetic,
Genesis ch.3:15NKJV"And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her Seed;
He shall bruise your head,
And you shall bruise His heel.”"
Friday, 21 February 2025
Thursday, 20 February 2025
Against litigious XVI
Litigiius:Introvigne’s argument also fails to address the broader ethical and legal implications of religious communities receiving state funding while engaging in coercive practices. Norway’s decision to deny state subsidies to Jehovah’s Witnesses does not amount to persecution or discrimination.
Myself: you speak of these state subsidies as if they are manna fallen from heaven,the money the state holds in trust is the fruit of our honest toil, and denying us access to it because you find our free exercise of our religious belief icky reduces the state to thuggery,there is no Right to anyone's association if you find my freely choosing to not associate with you traumatic that is your tough luck no state as any business compelling any citizen to associate with anyone they would rather not associate with.
should the state compel a romantic partner to continue to have intimate relations with someone who has decided to start another relationship with another, because said philaderer finds being denied such intimacies coercive.
Or what if someone cuts of association over your choice of political affilistion should the courts insert themselves in that dispute as well.
All a secular court must concern itself with is the assessing of measurable losses and the safeguarding of actual rights not the fabricated rights our enemies are using to deny us our actual right to freedom of association.
Litigious:Instead, it upholds a principle of fairness: religious organizations that receive public funds must adhere to fundamental human rights standards, including the right to freely exit a religion. The European Court of Human Rights has consistently upheld the right of states to regulate religious organizations that engage in harmful practices. Jehovah’s Witnesses' loss of registration and state subsidies in Norway does not prevent them from practicing their faith or gathering as a religious community. Rather, it prevents them from benefiting from state support while maintaining coercive disciplinary measures that violate fundamental human rights.
Myself:people have every right to exit our religion and if they find being denied the free association of a tiny minority of the population unbearable all they have to do us not get baptized,an option not available to those born in Catholic homes. They are free to associate with unbelieving relatives family members workmates,even if they chose to get baptized and were later expelled. according to our self-styled betters these types of association would be superior, and would provide an opportunity for them to be deprogrammed from their cult brainwashing, so this isolation should actually be view as a good thing if people like litigious were being consistent. The free exercise of our right to associate with or indeed not associate with whom we choose to cannot be the business of the state, that is a stupid and dangerous precedent.
Litigious;In conclusion, Introvigne’s defense of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Norway is flawed both legally and morally. The Oslo District Court’s decision is not an attack on religious freedom but a necessary protection of individual rights, particularly the rights of minors. Religious freedom does not include the right to impose psychological coercion on members who wish to leave. The Catholic Church’s understanding of religious liberty recognizes the dignity of the human person and the importance of ensuring that religious commitments are made freely, without coercion or fear of social isolation. Ultimately, the decision in Norway aligns with the principles of justice and human dignity. Jehovah’s Witnesses, like all religious groups, have the right to practice their faith, but this right does not extend to practices that unduly infringe upon the freedoms of others. The Oslo court's ruling is a step toward ensuring that religious liberty is genuinely free and not merely a tool for control and coercion.
Myself: the Catholic Church is hypocritical in the extreme it never misses and opportunity to use state power(actual coercion) to force it's mores on individuals at gunpoint,and then shamelessly presumes to speak down to those who are merely exercising their individual rights as guided by their own conscience, those who choose to wield state power to impose their values at gunpoint on unbelievers and other believers are the real threat to civil liberty not those exercising their right to freedom of association they are no threat to any one.
And it is not only equal access to the taxes the state extracts at gunpoint from us that us at stake,but our weddings and funerals would no longer be recognized also the cost of doing necessary business would rise,
Our enemies are being misleading when they make the payments that courts have Said that all taxpayers are justly entitled to are all that are at stake here.