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Monday, 28 August 2023
The receipts of the Darwinian pathway to the blood clotting cascade?
Sunday, 27 August 2023
Christendom's genius for explaining away obvious logic
1Corinthians ch.15:27NIV"For he “has put everything under his feet.” c Now when it says that “everything” has been put under him, it is CLEAR that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ. "
The word of JEHOVAH is addressed to the wise, those who know that humility and logic are necessary prerequisites to clear thinking. It ought to be clear that the God who put everything under Christ feet is not his equal or that one who always had everything under his feet would not need anyone else's authorisation to wield that authority ,and yet some apparently loose a grasp of basic logic when it comes examining the bible. The most plain manifestation of this malaise for me is failure to grasp the concept of supremacy.
Supremacy according to Merriam Webster:: the quality or state of being supreme
especially : a position of unquestioned authority, dominance, or influence
2:ultimate authority or power.
So Supremacy excludes equality. The two concepts are mutually exclusive one who is equal to even one other than himself is not supreme/ does not possess supremacy, our Brother Paul might say that this should be clear.
But the trinity doctrine causes brain damage especially that part of the brain responsible for our grasp of basic logic.
Luke ch.1:32NIV"He will be great and will be called the Son of the MOST HIGH. The LORD God will give him the throne of his father David," (we'll bypass the Trinitarian style proof of David's Godhood) Note that the God and Father of Jesus Christ is Supreme.
He is both the greatest person and the greatest God. This totally excludes there being any other person or God being his equal by definition. Yet Trinitarians ignore what ought to be clear and claim that the God of Jesus is not the most high God and that in fact there are three distinct entities that are a least equal to him . Indeed as I have pointed out the trinity doctrine blinds its adherents to a clear identification of the MOST HIGH God JEHOVAH If the trinity is true there is no most high God.
Saturday, 26 August 2023
On secular occultism.
J. P. Moreland on the Contradictions of Scientism
Speaking of ID some more
An Intriguing Conversation with Casey Luskin About Intelligent Design
Seafaring simians?
Fossil Friday: Did Monkeys Raft Four Times Across the Atlantic?
Friday, 25 August 2023
Why the lab is not a window on the prebiotic earth.
Hands-On Chemistry Can’t Simulate Prebiotic Earth
Thursday, 24 August 2023
Common design on the march?
From Winston Ewert, New Peer-Reviewed Paper on Dependency Graph Model
Figure 1. Part of a dependency graph for proteins in the Ensemble database from Ewert (2018), Figure 12. Circles represent modules, which are sets of proteins. An arrow represents a dependency relationship between two modules. The head of the arrow points to a set of proteins contained in the module connected to the arrow’s tail. The tail module also contains other proteins and possibly other modules. The protein data could be forced into a tree, but the interrelationships inconsistent with that tree would be lost.
Figure 3. Dependency graph of prestin proteins from different mammals generated by AminoGraph. The prestin molecules in echolocating aquatic mammals and bats used module Echolocation A, module Echolocation B, or both.
Wednesday, 23 August 2023
The blood clotting cascade is irreducibly complex in any language.
The Incredible Design of Vertebrate Blood Clotting
Vertebrate blood coagulation is best understood by focusing first on the ultimate objective of the cascade, which is the formation of a fibrin gel that reinforces the initial platelet plug, thereby strengthening the clot. The clot itself is made of fibers composed of the protein fibrin, which circulates in an inactive form (fibrinogen) in the blood plasma5,6 , shown in the figure below.
Fibrinogen is comprised of three pairs of polypeptide chains, known as Aα, Bβ, and γ chains, which are held together by disulfide bonds. Fibrinogen becomes activated when another protein, called thrombin, cleaves specific peptide bonds in the fibrinogen molecule, specifically near the N-terminus of the Aα and Bβ chains.7 This cleavage removes small peptide fragments called fibrinopeptides A and B, respectively, from the fibrinogen molecule, resulting in a similar protein with remarkably different functions referred to as fibrin. The cleavage of fibrinopeptides exposes new binding sites on the fibrin molecule, allowing the individual fibrin molecules to polymerize into a clot.8 The fibrin molecules further aggregate and form a mesh-like network, which is stabilized by the enzyme factor XIIIa.9 Factor XIIIa catalyzes the crosslinking of fibrin molecules through the formation of covalent bonds between specific amino acid residues, creating a stable fibrin clot. The resulting fibrin clot, together with the platelets, provides a physical barrier at the site of injury, preventing further blood loss. It also serves as a scaffold for other components of the clotting process, which aggregate on the fibrin network to form a stable blood clot.
Against Roman XXV
Roman I.e. the essence of a human is, for some thinkers, a "rational animal," essences are not concrete objects, they do not have extension. Our bodies delimit our power and perception which is exactly what makes it our body.
AservantofJEHOVAH:our bodies if fully functional are instantiations of the ideal they are the source of our potential that is why we ought to take care of them.That is why we ought to view our healthy bodies as gifts from a benevolent God.
Roman:if God is has a 'body' i.e. extension, yet that does not delimit any of his perception or power, what is it bordering (btw it's impossible for something to have a border without it being bound by that border in some what), if you're saying his "essence" I don't know what that means if that essence does not include his power and perception
AservantofJEHOVAH:JEHOVAH is defined by his body not limited by it once more you have fallen in to the trap of imposing human type insecurities on JEHOVAH JEHOVAH'S body is the source of his limitless potential and the means to actualise it just as our created bodies are the source of our potential and the means to activate that potential actually borders can be empowering by including what is essential and excluding what is not.
Against Roman XXIV
Roman:Btw, if your point is simply to deny Pantheism, i.e. God is distinct from creation, such that he does not exist literally everywhere, I agree with that, but that does not necessitate some kind of "body."
AervantofJEHOVAH:Prior potential as a effective first cause demands a living body where an Infinite store of potential energy under the complete control of a omniscient mind can reside. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed only converted from form to form anything else is magic/mysticism.
Roman:When we use literal (non metaphorical) language, even if we are using it analogically, if there is not analogue to what words actually refer in our own univocal sense, then we are speaking nonsense.
The analogies derived from creation are going to be limited in there ability to describe JEHOVAH and his work as long as they don't involve the embrace of logical contradictions they ought not to be dismissed out of hand.
Roman:if I say God is a fortress that's a metaphor, when I say God gets angry it's literal but of analogy, i.e. we can not make a one to one connection between our anger and his, but we can understand what it means in terms of certain features of our emotional life.
This is why I am harping on what langauge means, I don't want to speak nonsense about God, and I frankly think that the almost entire theistic tradition of saying God is incorporeal is based on the incompatibility with corporeality and being unlimited. So My issue here is largely the inconsistency of language ... i.e. being "bordered, but not bounded" the vague use of telekenisis and appeals to quantum entanglement which is nothing like telekenisis, the unintelligable notion of a bordered essence, as though essence were a physical extended thing. And the contradiction of saying one person has a body, yet that body does not delimit that person in anyway in terms of their actions and perceptions, nor is it logically prior to the person such that the person 'depends' on it in some way.
AservantofJEHOVAH:If you truly want to think sensibly about any topic you need to remove your ego from the equation. I for one presume that I and my interlocutors are probably going to walk away thinking the same thing about the given topic after the exchange as before it. I use the word essence to refer to those qualities that make JEHOVAH worthy of absolute worship as these are instantiated in the real world.
JEHOVAH'S Concrete form is the source of his potential and enables him to actualise his potential over distance. Quantum entanglement is called spooky action over distance so it does have one similarity to telekinesis as you pointed out scientists don't know how it works but it is evidence from creation that the ability to immediately produce effects over distance is not an impossibility even within the creation. Why then be dismissive about the possibility of our creator having some more superior means of actualising potential over distance in a controlled way.
Against Roman XXIII
Roman:. This wasn't a lifelong position of mine, and it's not charitable of you to assume I've only taken a "shallow reading."
AservantofJEHOVAH: My assessment was based on your answers on your answers and I must say that your response here has done little to change my mind.
Roman:2. What does bordered mean if not bounded?
If what is bordered is mobile then it is not bounded. Bounded suggest limits as to reach JEHOVAH Has no limits re:the reach of his power . Although his having a form that embodies his essence.
3. I know what quantum entanglement is, but as you know I’m sure quantum entanglement involves is not anything like telekinesis, but it’s rather the physical entanglement of particles at a distance, modelled mechanically and which is not really understood by science. But it is not usually described as a kind of unmediated causation. If telekinesis in the actual sense existed in the world, i.e. a person could access and have control over say, a brick, just as much as he could access and control his body, and his body did not act as a center of perception such that it limited it, and his existence didn’t depend on the functioning of various body parts, then I have no idea what it means to say he has a body.
His telekinesis is not magical it is a result of the actualisation of potential energy stored in his form which is projected from said form over distance from nothing nothing comes his form has the tech to convert potential energy into actual energy and make a controlled projection over distance. I hope that you are not saying that you thought that my use of quantum entanglement as analogue was any thing more that that
4. What do you mean by “essence?” Generally an essence is an abstract set of essential properties, not something which can be described as having a border, so my ‘body’ is not my essence, every particle in my body will be different in about 10 or 15 years yet I will be the same person, I will also be the same person if I happened to be anointed and was resurrected in a non-physical state. So generally, God’s essence is thought to be his omnipotence/omniscience etc etc … Other than that, I don’t know what you mean by essence.
An abstraction that does not describe a reality or possible reality is nothing but projection there is a concrete form that enables the actualisation of JEHOVAH'S Limitless potential JEHOVAH is sage and not mage.
As I have pointed out this body which is the reservoir of his infinite potential is unlike anything in the creation so to compare your created body which receives all its potential from outside with JEHOVAH'S Uncreated body which which is self-existent is an exercise in futility
5. What makes my body my body is my direct access to it and it being a necessary condition of me, i.e., if you cut off my finger it is no longer part of my body, because I do not have direct access to it, i.e. it’s not just my mind that can move it, I have to “pick it up,” my body also is what my consciousness depends on as it’s center of perception and power … it’s not my “essence.”
Again your body is created JEHOVAH'S is Uncreated so his body is simply not subject to any kind of change his body is a necessary substrate to his essence Just as is the case with every other concrete reality.
Roman6. According to contemporary physics space and time are not mere abstractions in that they would exist independent of human conceptualization. So, gravity is not a concrete reality, but it’s not an “abstraction” either, or if it IS an abstraction, you’re using the term in a way that it’s not usually used.
Abstract realities are realities they are not imaginary you seem to think that my saying that something is an abstraction means that it is not real. time and space are neither cause nor effect they are just values necessary to describe/evaluate concrete realities i.e causes and effects.
Human conceptualisations are not most important ones.
7. If I am bound by my body, I can exert power outside my body by use of my body. If God is bordered but that body, but not dependent on in for perception or power in anyway, or dependent on it in anyway, and it does not bound anything, then what is it bordering? His essence? What does that mean? Essence is an attributive concept.
JEHOVAH can actualise the potential energy stored in his body over distance. His body is the store of that potential and the means by which that potential is actualised in a precisely controlled way comparisons between the only cause that is not itself an effect and any created reality are limited in their usefulness
All the first cause arguments for JEHOVAH depend on the existence of prior potential of causes to produce effects only a cause with a store of infinite potential energy under its absolute control Can account for the existence of creation. Unless we are appealing to magic this entails a living body of some kind under the control of mind.
Tuesday, 22 August 2023
Hardwired for music?
The Human Mind Is Wired for Music: How Did That Come About?
On Darwinism's dependency on engineerless engineering.
Dr. Glicksman: How Life Leverages the Laws of Nature
Monday, 21 August 2023
Thinking scientifically about science?
For a Change, Science Writers Think Critically About Science
Against Roman II
Roman: A servant, I read your response, I'm not persuaded.
You weren't persuaded to change a life long position after a very shallow reading of an alternative view ? You don't say.
Romans:if space is not a "limiting factor" then in what sense does it bound him? If he has immediate access then it IS immanent.
AservantofJEHOVAH: If you would go back and read my actual remarks you would see that I never said that JEHOVAH is bound I said that his essence is bordered but his actualised potential is not bound because he is Telekinetic
If a border does not mean X is bordered by Y such that beyond Y X cannot access Y without a medium then I don't know what a border means, if you just insist on using the term border but rob it of all its actual meaning then our language means nothing. You might as well say God has literal toe nails, but what I mean by toe nails bears no relation to what we mean by toe nails in the physical world.
Telekinesis in this instance means being able to actualise potential and thus cause change or motion at a distance without an intermediary. Do some reading on a phenomenon known as quantum entanglement for an idea on what that might seem like as a phenomenon.
Roman: tell me what you mean by "border," if it cannot be "breached" then I don't know what you mean when you say God has immediate access to it.
AservantofJEHOVAH:here is a point beyond which his essence does not extend from its center.
Romans:I also don't know what you mean by virtually immanent as opposed to literally immanent, immanent just means immediately accessable without mediation, if the holy spirit is not something seperate from God then his knowlege and powers and literally immanent.
AservantofJEHOVAH: There is literal space between him and his creation this literal space has no impact on his capacity to access his creation in whole or in part.
Romans:Space and time are not abstractions, the past really does not exist, and the future really is not yet, and things are really distanced from one another, perhaps measurements of time and space are abstractoins sure, but what they measure are not. But even if they were abstractions, prior to creation what sense does it make to talk about space, what would that be an 'abstraction' of?
AservantofJEHOVAH:In what way does any of this prove that space and time are not abstractions. Abstractions are really descriptive of concrete realities saying that a thing is an abstraction is not the same as saying that it is not real. But we ought not to conflate abstraction with the concrete realities they are used to describe. We know that though the events of the past are completed or have progressed they determine the present to a large extent and even the future and ought not to be confused with the concept of the past tense itself.
I agree his holy spirit is his actualized potential, but if that potential is literally everywhere and immediate (none mediated), then what does it mean to say he's bounded?
I don't know where you got this Idea that I claimed that he was bound. His essence is bordered his power is unbound being telekinetic he can actualise potential over distance without mediation.
Romans:You keep telling me I'm "projecting" human type insecurities .... no I'm just noting what terms mean and noting that claiming God is unlimited yet bounded is a logical and metaphysical contradiction. I'm also asking what words you use mean, if "form" is not analogous to anything we usually mean by "form" it's literally meaningless.
I really hope you go back and read my post with a little more care his essence is bordered his power is not his spirit is a quality an attempt to describe his ability to project his actualised potential over distance all the while retaining complete control of it without a mediator.
Romans:1 John 3,2 doesn't mean literally since angels and the annointed don't have literal eyes, it means that they will have immediate knowledge of God.
They do literally see and by far superior means than physical eyes but the point is that they will closely resemble him as to both inward and outward quality