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Thursday 14 April 2016

On why linking Darwin to Hitler matters to Darwinists.

Why My Critics Care So Much About the Darwin-Hitler Connection

On the alt-right and the monkey on Darwinism's back

Evolution and the Alt-Right

you know that a mostly online splinter called the "alternative right" or "alt-right" is currently a subject of bitter and voluminous indignation. At The Federalist today, Cathy Young has an interesting analysis ("You Can't Whitewash the Alt-Right's Bigotry"), taking issue with two other journalists at Breitbart who tried to explain the phenomenon in a sympathetic, even admiring manner.
There is great worry about the conservative brand image, and the alt-right figures prominently in that. Cathy Young's piece, you'll notice, has some intriguing references to evolution, "human biodiversity," "race-related genetic cognitive and behavioral differences," and related subjects. On that, she and other mainstream conservatives could have said much more. Though this has escaped focused attention, the alternative right draws heavily on themes of evolution-based racism. And that is significant.
Miss Young notes "retired California State University-Long Beach psychology professor Kevin MacDonald, who has some peculiar theories about Jews: namely, that Judaism is an 'evolutionary strategy' by which Jews seek dominance...It's 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' dressed up as evolutionary psychology."
Another writer cited by Young raises eugenic, or rather dysgenic, concerns:
"The Pro-Life Temptation" by Aylmer Fisher -- presumably a pseudonym stolen from the innocent British geneticist -- which cautions the alt-right against adopting an anti-abortion stance in knee-jerk opposition to liberals. The pro-life position is 'dysgenic,' since it encourages breeding by 'the least intelligent and responsible' women.
If you think you know where this is going, you're right. Fisher argues that, firstly, the pro-life position is "dysgenic," since it encourages breeding by "the least intelligent and responsible" women who are most likely to have abortions and who are "disproportionately Black, Hispanic, and poor."
Taken from the Radix Journal (more on it in a moment), that's ugly stuff and Miss Young does a service in pointing it out. In her article, our old nemesis John Derbyshire, scrubbed from National Review, makes an appearance, along with the alt-right "movement's online hubs such as Richard Spencer's and Steve Sailer's VDARE." (Actually VDARE is edited by Peter Brimelow, not Steve Sailer, who has his own blog at another alt-right hotspot, The Unz Review. Once upon a time, I enjoyed editing them both as writers for National Review.)
But this is just the tip of the iceberg. We've reported here in the past on the evolutionary preoccupations of Derbyshire and another "race-realist" outlet, Jared Taylor's American Renaissance. But not till reading Cathy Young's post did I recognize that the mother lode of pseudo-conservative, pseudo-scientific racism is Richard Spencer's, which as she points out has been rebranded as Radix Journal, "dedicated to the heritage, identity, and future of European people in the United States, and around the world."
Here, the vein of evolutionary thinking is particularly rich. We read, "Darwinian Evolution Revolutionized the Natural Sciences. The Social Sciences Have Been Immune for Too Long." In "What Is Identitarian Religion?," writer "Alfred W. Clark" tells of a "long-standing 'Trad Catholic' I know [who] told me recently that he had left the Church. [H]is 'conservative' priest had become obsessed with [among other things]...denouncing evolution because it's 'racist'." More:
And what of identitarian atheists and agnostics? Can they co-exist with identitarian religion? Since identitarian religion is not at odds with nature, and thus not at odds with evolutionary science, it does not threaten secular knowledge but offers itself as an additional societal glue.
Another writer wonders why few women seem enthusiastic about "race-realism":
The evolutionary basis for this doesn't seem too hard to figure out. As a prehistoric man, you have to decide the best way to find food and kill the members of the other tribe....
There is sympathy for eugenics, and much fretting about the "dysgenic menace." A writer notes an "antisocial Darwinism" where "Society favors the broken at the expense of the fixed. The result isn't so much that the fixed are crushed, but that the broken proliferate and become permanent dependents of the state." 
Richard Spencer shares his "Foreword to a new annotated edition of [racial eugenicist] Madison Grant's Conquest of a Continent [1933]," explaining that "Darwinism offers a compelling and rational justification for Whites to act on behalf of their ancestors and progeny and feel a shared since of destiny with their extended kin group."
Again, Alfred W. Clark asks, "What Is the #Altright?" He explains: 
Michael Brendan Dougherty recently called the alt-right "race obsessed". A better phrase might be: race realists. Most alt-righters actually take Darwinism seriously. (If you are at a loss of what "taking Darwinism seriously" means, you might want to read this book.) Young alt-righters are comfortable with modern science which shows that human biodiversity is a facet of life. The fact that so many today in Conservatism Inc. want either to ignore or deny human biodiversity, shows how untethered from reality modern conservatism has become. 
And much more along these lines. 
The Right has periodically sought to purge itself of tendencies like this, and it's engaged in such a purge right now. I prefer understanding to demonizing. Darwinian "conservatives" operate with a particular picture in mind of what a human being is -- a very different picture from the one posited by the Judeo-Christian tradition on which conservatism has drawn in the past. It's either man the animal or man in the image of an intelligent designer. Those are the choices.
From such a stark dichotomy, everything else is downstream. Recognizing as much would be a first step to restoring the health of a fractured and troubled movement.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Biology as tech/Biology as art III

Denton's Challenge: Are Leaf Shapes Adaptive?

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Darwinism vs. the real world XXV

Keeping Cool, Warming Up: Appreciating the Body's Temperature Control System

Howard Glicksman

Editor's note: Physicians have a special place among the thinkers who have elaborated the argument for intelligent design. Perhaps that's because, more than evolutionary biologists, they are familiar with the challenges of maintaining a functioning complex system, the human body. With that in mind, Evolution News is delighted to offer this series, "The Designed Body." For the complete series, see here. Dr. Glicksman practices palliative medicine for a hospice organization.

As I showed in the last two articles in this series, heat is the transfer of energy from one object to another, whereas temperature is a measure of an object's internal energy or its degree of random molecular motion. The body must control the temperature of its internal organs (core temperature) because the molecules that make up the cells and perform the functions of life work best within a certain temperature range: 97o-99oF (36o-37oC). 
When it comes to heat and temperature, the laws of nature make two demands on the body. First, they demand that heat be released when energy is used to do work. At complete rest, the body releases a minimum amount of heat from its basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is mostly under control of thyroid hormone. However, since the body must remain fairly active to survive, it releases even more heat due to this work. And second, the laws of nature demand that a warmer object transfer heat energy to a cooler one when they come in contact with each other. Sit in cold water or a hot sauna and your body will either lose heat to, or gain heat from, its surroundings. 
In summary, the body's core temperature is determined by how much heat it produces through metabolism, whether it is at complete rest or not, and how much heat it loses to, or gains from, its environment. My last article looked at how the body, through thyroid hormone regulation, takes control of the BMR to help keep the core temperature within the normal range. However, there are other very important mechanisms the body uses to take control to keep the real numbers of core temperature where they need to be to survive within the laws of nature.
Any activity causes the body to use more energy and release more heat, above and beyond the level of the BMR. And since the body is always in contact with its surroundings (usually air, but sometimes water), it is always losing or gaining heat from its environment. Since these changes can take place rapidly, the body must have the ability to react quickly enough to correct the situation and keep its core temperature under control. In other words, besides using thyroid hormone to control the BMR, moment-to-moment thermoregulation must take into account, not only the heat released by the body's activity, but also the heat lost to, or gained from, its surroundings. This requires all three control components. 
The first thing you need to take control is a sensor to detect what needs to be controlled. The body has two different sets of temperature sensors which are called thermoreceptors. There are peripheral thermoreceptors in the skin that detect either hot or cold. Their main function is to warn the body when it is being exposed to very high or very low temperatures which may result in tissue damage (thermal burn or frostbite). In addition, the body has central thermoreceptors, which detect the core temperature, and are located within the chest, the abdomen, and the hypothalamus.
The second thing you need to take control is an integrator that can take the data it receives from the sensors, compare it with a standard, decide what must be done, and then send out orders. The hypothalamus is the integrator for core temperature control. Currently, we don't fully understand how it knows what the proper core temperature should be for survival. It is thought that the hypothalamus acts like a thermostat and keeps the body's core temperature around a set-point, which for most healthy people is 97o-99oF (36o-37oC). 
If the core temperature rises above the set-point, the hypothalamus sends out messages to limit heat production and promote heat loss. If the core temperature drops below the set-point, the hypothalamus sends out messages to promote heat production and limit heat loss. Besides sending messages to make you aware of being too hot or too cold, the hypothalamus also uses neurohormones in the sympathetic nervous system to keep moment-to-moment control of your core temperature. 
The third thing you need to control something is an effector that can do something about the situation. When it comes to thermoregulation, the effectors the body uses can either be voluntaryor involuntary
When the hypothalamus makes you conscious of a significant rise or fall in the core temperature, making you feel too hot or too cold, you can voluntarily do something to try to correct the situation. If you are too hot you can reduce the amount of heat your body produces by stopping your present activity and coming to a complete rest. You can remove some of your clothing to allow the heat to leave your body easier. You can get out of direct sunlight to prevent its heat from warming you too much or turn on a fan or pour cold water on yourself to help your body lose more heat. In contrast, if you are too cold, you can increase the amount of heat your body produces by increasing your activity level, like rubbing your hands together, stamping your feet, or moving around more. You can put on heavier clothing to prevent your body from losing too much heat. You can go out into the sunshine or stand near something hot, like a fire or wood stove or jump into a hot tub so you can receive more heat. 
Besides doing things that promote heat loss and limit its production when we feel too hot or promote heat production and limit heat loss when we feel too cold, our body has several involuntary (automatic) mechanisms in place to achieve this as well. 
When, despite all efforts, the body is still too cold, the hypothalamus can activate two other effectors to promote heat production. One of them is to make the muscles shiver. This shaking activity does not move the bones to perform work, but instead produces more heat for the body. The other effector for increased heat production causes the release of certain hormones to increase the body's metabolic rate and release more heat from cellular respiration and fat. 
However, the main effector for thermoregulation is the skin. The skin is the outer layer of the body, which is in direct contact with its surroundings. It is made up of many different types of cells that together serve to protect the body from many aspects of nature, like friction, chemicals, and microbes. It is the unique nature of the skin's circulation and the presence of millions of sweat glands that provide it with the equipment to help the body control its core temperature. 
The blood flow within a given tissue or organ is usually related to its metabolic needs -- in other words, how hard it is working. However, this is not the case for the skin. In fact, the amount of blood flow in the skin is usually much more than its metabolic needs demand. The skin, particularly in the hands, feet, ears, nose, and lips, has blood vessels that allow direct connections between the arterial and venous systems. These arterio-venous connections facilitate rapid blood flow by shunting blood directly from the arteries to the veins while bypassing the capillaries. Being so close to the surface of the body, the warm blood that travels in the circulation of the skin has a tendency to cause the body to lose heat by radiation and conduction aided by convection. In general, the more blood flow to the skin surface, the more heat loss from the body, and the less blood flow to the skin surface the less heat loss. 
When the body's core temperature changes, the hypothalamus adjusts the amount of messages it sends along the sympathetic nerves to the muscles surrounding the blood vessels in the skin. These nerve impulses result in the release of a neurohormone called norepinephrine. Norepinephrine attaches to specific receptors on these muscles and tells them to contract. When the body's core temperature drops so that you feel cold, the hypothalamus responds by sending out more messages along these sympathetic nerves, which makes them release more norepinephrine. More norepinephrine makes the blood vessels in the skin contract more. This results in less blood flow to the skin surface and less heat loss from the body. 
When the body's core temperature rises so that you feel hot, the hypothalamus responds by sending out fewer messages along these sympathetic nerves, which causes the release of less norepinephrine. Less norepinephrine makes the blood vessels in the skin relax more. This results in more blood flow to the skin surface and more heat loss from the body by radiation and conduction aided by convection. 
In addition, the skin has millions of sweat glands that can release perspiration onto its surface. This promotes further heat loss by evaporation as the water on the skin picks up heat from the body and is turned into water vapor. The hypothalamus triggers sweating through the sympathetic nerves, but instead of using norepinephrine as the chemical messenger, it uses a neurohormone called acetylcholine
Acetylcholine attaches to specific receptors on the sweat glands to turn them on. When the body's core temperature rises and you feel hot, the hypothalamus sends out more messages along the sympathetic nerves that supply the sweat glands, making them release more acetylcholine. More acetylcholine makes the sweat glands secrete more perspiration. This results in more heat loss from the body by evaporation. When the body's core temperature drops so that you feel cold, the hypothalamus responds by sending out fewer messages along the sympathetic nerves that supply the sweat glands, making them release less acetylcholine. This makes the sweat glands secrete less perspiration, resulting in less heat loss from the body. 
In summary, the body's control of its core temperature involves not only thyroid function and the BMR, but also the sympathetic nervous system. By necessity, life is a dynamic process in which the body must stay active and internally produce heat while at the same time externally losing or gaining it from its surroundings. When the hypothalamus receives data from the central thermoreceptors, compares it to the set-point, and determines that the body is too hot or too cold, it tells the conscious mind to do something to try to correct the situation. In addition, it sends out messages along sympathetic nerves to the blood vessels and the sweat glands in the skin which either promotes or limits heat loss. The result is that the body is usually able to control its core temperature and thereby survive within the laws of nature. 
It would seem that the system the body uses for thermoregulation knows what it's doing. However, to do its job properly the hypothalamus needs (1) central thermoreceptors throughout the body to detect its core temperature, (2) the ability to adjust the messages it sends out along the sympathetic nerves based on the set-point using (3) norepinephrine for the blood vessels in the skin and (4) acetylcholine for the sweat glands which, to have an effect, need (5) norepinephrine and (6) acetylcholine receptors, respectively. If any one of these six parts were to be missing, or not working properly, the whole system would fail and the body would not be able to control its core temperature. Biochemist Michael Behe has described such a system, where the absence of any one part renders it useless, as irreducibly complex -- a hallmark of intelligent design. The system our body uses to control its core temperature demonstrates irreducible complexity. 
However, this is not enough to explain how human life can survive within the laws of nature. Real numbers have real consequences and, if the core temperature rises too high or drops too low, it causes severe impairment of enzyme activity and with it, the metabolism. When it comes to thermoregulation, the body would seem to have natural survival capacity because the hypothalamus seems to inherently know, not only what the thyroid hormone level should be, but alsowhat the set-point should be.
Next time, in the context of thyroid function, we'll look at what happens when the numbers don't add up as they should.

Monday 11 April 2016

And still yet more on pre-evolutionary design.

Another Problem Bacteria Have to Worry About, and How They Solve It Effectively

How human speech contributes to Darwinism's crisis.

Human Language: Noam Chomsky, Universal Grammar, and Natural Selection

Michael Denton

Editor's note: In his new book Evolution: Still a Theory in Crisis, Michael Denton not only updates the argument from his groundbreaking Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (1985) but also presents a powerful new critique of Darwinian evolution. This article is one in a series in which Dr. Denton summarizes some of the most important points of the new book. For the full story, get your copy of Evolution: Still a Theory in Crisis. For a limited time, you'll enjoy a 30 percent discount at CreateSpace by using the discount code QBDHMYJH.

In the early 1960s, in one of the landmark advances in 20th-century science, Noam Chomsky showed that all human languages share a deep invariant structure. Despite their very different "surface" grammars, they all share a deep set of syntactic rules and organizing principles. All have rules limiting sentence length and structure and all exhibit the phenomenon of recursion -- the embedding of one sentence in another. Chomsky has postulated that this deep "universal grammar" is innate and is embedded somewhere in the neuronal circuitry of the human brain in a language organ. Children learn [human] languages so easily, despite a "poverty of stimulus,"1 because they possess innate knowledge of the deep rules and principles of human language and can select, from all the sentences that come to their minds, only those that conform to a "deep structure" encoded in the brain's circuits.2
The challenge this poses to Darwinian evolution is apparent. Take the above-mentioned characteristic that all human languages exhibit: recursion. In the sentence, "The man who was wearing a blue hat which he bought from the girl who sat on the wall was six feet tall," the italicized words are embedded sentences. Special rules allow human speakers to handle and understand such sentences. And these rules, which govern the nature of recursion, are specific and complex. So how did the computational machinery to handle it evolve? David Premack is skeptical:
I challenge the reader to reconstruct the scenario that would confer selective fitness on recursiveness. Language evolved, it is conjectured, at a time when humans or protohumans were hunting mastodons... Would it be a great advantage for one of our ancestors squatting alongside the embers to be able to remark, "Beware of the short beast whose front hoof Bob cracked when, having forgotten his own spear back at camp, he got in a glancing blow with the dull spear he borrowed from Jack"? Human language is an embarrassment for evolutionary theory because it is vastly more powerful than one can account for in terms of selective fitness. A semantic language with simple mapping rules, of a kind one might suppose that the chimpanzee would have, appears to confer all the advantages one normally associates with discussions of mastodon hunting or the like. For discussions of that kind, syntactical classes, structure-dependent rules, recursion and the rest, are overly powerful devices, absurdly so.3
There is considerable controversy over what structures in the brain restrict all human languages to the same deep structure. Some linguists reject an innate neurological organ devoted specifically to language. Conceiving that it is only the brain's general abilities that are "pre-organized," they envisage language as a learned skill based on a "functional language system" and design constraints, distributed across numerous cortical and subcortical structures.
Yet however it is derived during development, there is no doubt that a unique deep structure underlies the languages of all members of our species. It is because of the same underlying deep structure that we can speak the language of the San Bushman or an Australian aborigine, and they in turn can speak English. The fact that all modern humans, despite their long "evolutionary separation" -- some modern races such as the San of the Kalahari and the Australian aborigines have been separated by perhaps 400,000 years of independent evolution -- can learn each other's languages implies that this deep grammar must have remained unchanged since all modern humans (African and non-African) diverged from their last common African ancestor, at least 200,000 years ago. As Chomsky puts it:
What we call "primitive people"... to all intents and purposes are identical to us. There's no cognitively significant genetic difference anyone can tell. If they happened to be here, they would be one of us, and they would speak English... If we were there, we would speak their languages. So far as anyone knows, there is virtually no detectable genetic difference across the species that is language-related.4
As I mentioned in the last article in this series, it is not only the deep structure of language that has remained invariant across all human races. All races share in equal measure all the other higher intellectual abilities: musical, artistic, and mathematical ability, and capacity for abstract thought. These also, therefore, must have been present in our African common ancestors more than 200,000 or more years ago, and must have remained unchanged, and for some reason latent since our common divergence. To suggest that language and our higher mental faculties evolved in parallel to reach these same remarkable ends independently in all the diverse lineages of modern humans over 200,000 years ago or more, would be to propose the most striking instance of parallel evolution in the entire history of life and be inexplicable in Darwinian terms.
(1) Chomsky, The Science of Language, p. 5.
(2) Ibid., Part 1.
(3) David Premack, "Gavagai! Or the future of the animal language controversy," Cognition 19: 207-296, see pp. 281-282.
(4) Chomsky, The Science of Language, p. 13.
Image: Noam Chomsky, by jeanbaptisteparis via Flickr.